<p>The 12 bays are arranged from north to south: A = Galveston Bay, B = West Bay, C = Christmas Bay, D = East Matagorda Bay, E = Matagorda Bay, F = San Luis Bay, G = Aransas Bay, H = Corpus Christi Bay, I = Upper Laguna Madre, J = Baffin Bay, K = Lower Laguna Madre, and L = South Bay. The 11 channels and passes are arranged from north to south: 1 = Sabine Pass, 2 = Rollover Pass, 3 = Bolivar Roads Channel, 4 = San Luis Pass, 5 = Matagorda Ship Channel, 6 = Pass Cavallo, 7 = Cedar Bayou Pass, 8 = Aransas Pass Ship Channel, 9 = Packery Channel, 10 = Mansfield Channel, and 11 = Brazos Santiago Pass. The 3 power plants are arranged from north to south: RPP = PH Robinson Power Plant, JPP = Joslin Power Plant, and BDPP = Barney Davis Power Plant....