Agnes & Nancy is a short documentary film (24 mins) inspired by original research on dementia activism undertaken by Dr Ruth Bartlett (2008-2010). The film captures the friendship that has grown between Agnes & Nancy, two women with dementia, who have got to know each other through their involvement in the Scottish Dementia Working Group – an independent campaign group set up and run by people with dementia. Agnes and Nancy both have dementia and live independent lives. The film gently unfolds as Agnes journeys to Nancy’s home in rural Scotland for the first time, and ends with Agnes back at home again, reflecting on her ‘journey to the new Agnes’. <br/
In 2018-2020 the ESRC funded 'Reanimating data: experiments with people, places and archives'. Part ...
The purpose of this study was to find ways of making those with dementia happier and to make a DVD b...
yesEx Memoria is a short film - just 15 minutes long - which focuses on the experience of Eva, a wom...
This article draws attention to the fact that documentaries do not simply reproduce the reality that...
Distributed by Wellpark Productions and available at
This article draws attention to the fact that documentaries do not simply reproduce the reality that...
Short public engagement film aimed at people with dementia, and their carers, exploring the parallel...
A short documentary exploring the recreation of memories and emotions through film using old home fo...
noMemories on film is the outcome of an 18-month study funded by the National Institute for Health R...
In this short film we share aesthetic perspectives on how to connect in co-creative spaces. The film...
YesFilm-making is an effective way of engaging people with dementia and improving their well-being....
The power of Sheffield journeys: exploring the potential of film and digital media for the meaningfu...
Historically, the involvement of people living with dementia in research has predominantly focused o...
Background Health promoting palliative care is a relatively new concept in palliative care that aims...
Historically, the involvement of people living with dementia in research has predominantly focused o...
In 2018-2020 the ESRC funded 'Reanimating data: experiments with people, places and archives'. Part ...
The purpose of this study was to find ways of making those with dementia happier and to make a DVD b...
yesEx Memoria is a short film - just 15 minutes long - which focuses on the experience of Eva, a wom...
This article draws attention to the fact that documentaries do not simply reproduce the reality that...
Distributed by Wellpark Productions and available at
This article draws attention to the fact that documentaries do not simply reproduce the reality that...
Short public engagement film aimed at people with dementia, and their carers, exploring the parallel...
A short documentary exploring the recreation of memories and emotions through film using old home fo...
noMemories on film is the outcome of an 18-month study funded by the National Institute for Health R...
In this short film we share aesthetic perspectives on how to connect in co-creative spaces. The film...
YesFilm-making is an effective way of engaging people with dementia and improving their well-being....
The power of Sheffield journeys: exploring the potential of film and digital media for the meaningfu...
Historically, the involvement of people living with dementia in research has predominantly focused o...
Background Health promoting palliative care is a relatively new concept in palliative care that aims...
Historically, the involvement of people living with dementia in research has predominantly focused o...
In 2018-2020 the ESRC funded 'Reanimating data: experiments with people, places and archives'. Part ...
The purpose of this study was to find ways of making those with dementia happier and to make a DVD b...
yesEx Memoria is a short film - just 15 minutes long - which focuses on the experience of Eva, a wom...