Clara Volintiru finds a highly interesting and insightful portrait of terrorism in Scott Atran’s rec...
Reviewed Title: The Mind of Terror. Saada, Tass, with Dean Merrill. Carol Stream, IL: Tyndale House,...
Reviews of the following four recent books: The Muslims are coming!: Islamophobia, extremism and the...
The Muslims Are Coming! contains a wealth of research into and analysis of particular cases of count...
Review of Troubled Testimonies: Terrorism and the English Novel in India by Meenakshi Bharat
review of Arun Kundnani The Muslims Are Coming: Islamophobia, Extremism and the Domestic War on Terr...
Review of How to Fight Islamist Terror from the Missionary Position by Tabish Khair
Exploring the roots of militant Islam in South Asia and how it has grown to become a source of profo...
Europe’s Angry Muslims traces the routes, expectations and destinies of immigrant parents and the pl...
An review essay imagining a future scholar writing a review of Tabish Khair's novel The Thing about ...
Matthew Partridge finds many strengths in Ali Soufan’s fascinating account of his time as a FBI Spec...
The present book is a thought provoking work on the global war against terror. The author pleads tha...
Are today’s radicals tomorrow’s extremists? Most analyses of violence emanating from the Middle East...
Islam: An Introduction gives much attention to questions of universal values, Islam and democracy, g...
Islam and the Future of Tolerance: A Dialogue is a transcript of a conversation held between US New ...
Clara Volintiru finds a highly interesting and insightful portrait of terrorism in Scott Atran’s rec...
Reviewed Title: The Mind of Terror. Saada, Tass, with Dean Merrill. Carol Stream, IL: Tyndale House,...
Reviews of the following four recent books: The Muslims are coming!: Islamophobia, extremism and the...
The Muslims Are Coming! contains a wealth of research into and analysis of particular cases of count...
Review of Troubled Testimonies: Terrorism and the English Novel in India by Meenakshi Bharat
review of Arun Kundnani The Muslims Are Coming: Islamophobia, Extremism and the Domestic War on Terr...
Review of How to Fight Islamist Terror from the Missionary Position by Tabish Khair
Exploring the roots of militant Islam in South Asia and how it has grown to become a source of profo...
Europe’s Angry Muslims traces the routes, expectations and destinies of immigrant parents and the pl...
An review essay imagining a future scholar writing a review of Tabish Khair's novel The Thing about ...
Matthew Partridge finds many strengths in Ali Soufan’s fascinating account of his time as a FBI Spec...
The present book is a thought provoking work on the global war against terror. The author pleads tha...
Are today’s radicals tomorrow’s extremists? Most analyses of violence emanating from the Middle East...
Islam: An Introduction gives much attention to questions of universal values, Islam and democracy, g...
Islam and the Future of Tolerance: A Dialogue is a transcript of a conversation held between US New ...
Clara Volintiru finds a highly interesting and insightful portrait of terrorism in Scott Atran’s rec...
Reviewed Title: The Mind of Terror. Saada, Tass, with Dean Merrill. Carol Stream, IL: Tyndale House,...
Reviews of the following four recent books: The Muslims are coming!: Islamophobia, extremism and the...