Biomarkers and RDIâ<â85% in overall patients vs. adjuvant patients. (DOC 31Â kb
Patient characteristics of the 6,248 patients shown by trial. Table S2. National Cancer Institute Co...
All-grade AEs (occurring in ≥20 %) or grade ≥3 AEs (occurring in >3 %) of the total patient populati...
Figure S1. Age-adjusted overall survival by breast cancer molecular subtypesa. a Luminal A - ER posi...
Biomarkers measurement in neo-adjuvant-treated vs. adjuvant-treated patients. (DOC 39Â kb
Sensitivity Analysis of cost effectiveness of chemotherapy in subgroups with a low risk according to...
Presenting enumeration of different CD45neg subgroups, as assessed by FACS, in blood samples obtaine...
Supplementary Figures and Tables. This file contains the following figures and tables: Validation of...
Differences in mammographic density measures by breast cancer risk factors in 1727 premenopausal and...
Table S1. Circulating concentrations of OPG and risk of death following a breast cancer diagnosis, b...
Sensitivity Analysis of cost effectiveness of chemotherapy in subgroups with a high risk according t...
Table S1. Comparison of clinical characteristics of study patients and remaining N9831 cohort. (DOCX...
Median of γ-H2AX geomean intensity in CD45 + CD3+ lymphocytes, CD45 + CD14 + CD15- monocytes and CD4...
Clinico-pathological characteristics of younger and older patients. (DOCX 15Â kb
Kaplan-Meier analysis of clinico-pathological parameters in older patients. (DOCX 17Â kb
Results of the multivariate analysis of clinicopathological factors influencing the prediction of pC...
Patient characteristics of the 6,248 patients shown by trial. Table S2. National Cancer Institute Co...
All-grade AEs (occurring in ≥20 %) or grade ≥3 AEs (occurring in >3 %) of the total patient populati...
Figure S1. Age-adjusted overall survival by breast cancer molecular subtypesa. a Luminal A - ER posi...
Biomarkers measurement in neo-adjuvant-treated vs. adjuvant-treated patients. (DOC 39Â kb
Sensitivity Analysis of cost effectiveness of chemotherapy in subgroups with a low risk according to...
Presenting enumeration of different CD45neg subgroups, as assessed by FACS, in blood samples obtaine...
Supplementary Figures and Tables. This file contains the following figures and tables: Validation of...
Differences in mammographic density measures by breast cancer risk factors in 1727 premenopausal and...
Table S1. Circulating concentrations of OPG and risk of death following a breast cancer diagnosis, b...
Sensitivity Analysis of cost effectiveness of chemotherapy in subgroups with a high risk according t...
Table S1. Comparison of clinical characteristics of study patients and remaining N9831 cohort. (DOCX...
Median of γ-H2AX geomean intensity in CD45 + CD3+ lymphocytes, CD45 + CD14 + CD15- monocytes and CD4...
Clinico-pathological characteristics of younger and older patients. (DOCX 15Â kb
Kaplan-Meier analysis of clinico-pathological parameters in older patients. (DOCX 17Â kb
Results of the multivariate analysis of clinicopathological factors influencing the prediction of pC...
Patient characteristics of the 6,248 patients shown by trial. Table S2. National Cancer Institute Co...
All-grade AEs (occurring in ≥20 %) or grade ≥3 AEs (occurring in >3 %) of the total patient populati...
Figure S1. Age-adjusted overall survival by breast cancer molecular subtypesa. a Luminal A - ER posi...