This file contains all the data used to produce the supplementary material for this article
This file contain all the raw data used in analyses for the associated publication
The file contains the full list of references of the Supplementary Materials for the article "Evalua...
The uploaded data file includes the raw data for the figures and tables in our paper
All raw data files used in the paper and all summary statistics used in final analyses
The raw data file contains files relevant to data extraction, data analysis and other data relevant ...
Raw data is provided for both main and supplemental figures throughout the paper. (XLSX)</p
This file contains all Supplementary Tables and Figures referenced in the article
This file contains the scripts developed as well as data sets necessary to reproduce all analyses de...
This file contains the supplementary material (dendrogram and growth performance data) of the articl...
This file contains all the raw data for the analyses described in the study. The data is provided ac...
This file contains supplementary figures and tables referenced in the main manuscript
This file includes the Supplemental Figures S1-S10 and the Supplemental Tables S1-S4
The word file explains the tables in the excel file. That excel file contains raw data that is suppl...
This data file includes all data used in the article. Please see the attached ReadMe file for more d...
This file contains the supplementary material (including Supplementary Tables S1-S3 and Supplementar...
This file contain all the raw data used in analyses for the associated publication
The file contains the full list of references of the Supplementary Materials for the article "Evalua...
The uploaded data file includes the raw data for the figures and tables in our paper
All raw data files used in the paper and all summary statistics used in final analyses
The raw data file contains files relevant to data extraction, data analysis and other data relevant ...
Raw data is provided for both main and supplemental figures throughout the paper. (XLSX)</p
This file contains all Supplementary Tables and Figures referenced in the article
This file contains the scripts developed as well as data sets necessary to reproduce all analyses de...
This file contains the supplementary material (dendrogram and growth performance data) of the articl...
This file contains all the raw data for the analyses described in the study. The data is provided ac...
This file contains supplementary figures and tables referenced in the main manuscript
This file includes the Supplemental Figures S1-S10 and the Supplemental Tables S1-S4
The word file explains the tables in the excel file. That excel file contains raw data that is suppl...
This data file includes all data used in the article. Please see the attached ReadMe file for more d...
This file contains the supplementary material (including Supplementary Tables S1-S3 and Supplementar...
This file contain all the raw data used in analyses for the associated publication
The file contains the full list of references of the Supplementary Materials for the article "Evalua...
The uploaded data file includes the raw data for the figures and tables in our paper