Assembly evaluation parameters. List of all the assembly evaluation parameters. (DOCX 16Â kb
Microbial diversity in the 4 microbiome projects. Representation of microbial diversity using, (a) g...
Table S4. Statistics for chimeric SAG reads mapping against metagenome contigs. (XLSX 14 kb
Contains two tables: the first table displays the effect on the coverage of the pathogenic genome of...
A1metricTable.txt: GAGE reported assembly evaluation metrics for all Assemblathon1 metassemblies at ...
A2metricTable.txt: REAPR, CEGMA and contiguity statistics reported for all Assemblathon2 metassembli...
SupplementaryFile_v4.docx: Supplementary Notes, Figures, and Tables. (DOCX 795 kb
A2Zscores.txt: Zscores for all metrics and Overall Zscore for all metassemblies and input assemblies...
Table S1. Assembly statistics and taxonomy for all MAGs and SAGs. For MAGs, âCoverage within sampl...
Completeness scores of transcriptome assemblies based on numbers of detected genes. (PDF 62Â kb
Assembly statistics among Caenorhabditis species and Strongyloides species including ALLMAPS results...
A1Zscores.txt: Zscores for all metrics and Overall Zscore for all metassemblies and input assemblies...
Table S1. Assembly statistics and taxonomy for each genome sequenced. (XLSX 18Â kb
Phylogenetic tree in Newick format including all complete prokaryotic genomes in NCBI [ 112 ], all a...
Dataset containing all data used in the statistical models together with the strains IDâs and acce...
Assembly metrics of the three sub-assemblies and the final concatenated assembly for each of the six...
Microbial diversity in the 4 microbiome projects. Representation of microbial diversity using, (a) g...
Table S4. Statistics for chimeric SAG reads mapping against metagenome contigs. (XLSX 14 kb
Contains two tables: the first table displays the effect on the coverage of the pathogenic genome of...
A1metricTable.txt: GAGE reported assembly evaluation metrics for all Assemblathon1 metassemblies at ...
A2metricTable.txt: REAPR, CEGMA and contiguity statistics reported for all Assemblathon2 metassembli...
SupplementaryFile_v4.docx: Supplementary Notes, Figures, and Tables. (DOCX 795 kb
A2Zscores.txt: Zscores for all metrics and Overall Zscore for all metassemblies and input assemblies...
Table S1. Assembly statistics and taxonomy for all MAGs and SAGs. For MAGs, âCoverage within sampl...
Completeness scores of transcriptome assemblies based on numbers of detected genes. (PDF 62Â kb
Assembly statistics among Caenorhabditis species and Strongyloides species including ALLMAPS results...
A1Zscores.txt: Zscores for all metrics and Overall Zscore for all metassemblies and input assemblies...
Table S1. Assembly statistics and taxonomy for each genome sequenced. (XLSX 18Â kb
Phylogenetic tree in Newick format including all complete prokaryotic genomes in NCBI [ 112 ], all a...
Dataset containing all data used in the statistical models together with the strains IDâs and acce...
Assembly metrics of the three sub-assemblies and the final concatenated assembly for each of the six...
Microbial diversity in the 4 microbiome projects. Representation of microbial diversity using, (a) g...
Table S4. Statistics for chimeric SAG reads mapping against metagenome contigs. (XLSX 14 kb
Contains two tables: the first table displays the effect on the coverage of the pathogenic genome of...