<p>Mean numbers + 95% CI of <i>Aedes aegypti</i> mosquitoes collected by Bio-Gents sentinel trap.</p
a<p>Values in parentheses represent interquartile ranges. For <i>An. arabiensis</i> letters that dif...
<p>For all houses n = 8, except for house 3 (n = 7). Four houses were selected for the different int...
a<p>Values in parenthesis represent interquartile ranges. Percentage reduction of mosquito catches d...
<p>Mean numbers + 95% confidence interval (CI) of <i>Aedes aegypti</i> mosquitoes collected hourly b...
<p>Means and standard deviations of the number of mosquitoes collected per site and per night at eac...
<p>*Mean number of collected female mosquito per house (95% CI) [% of houses positive for mosquito p...
<p>The values placed in brackets in the control and treatment columns are model estimated mean propo...
<p>Total number of each mosquito species/genusof both sexes caught by each type of trap.</p
<p><b>(A)</b> Mean weekly catches (± S. E.) of male <i>Ae</i>. <i>aegypti</i> caught by BGS, GAT and...
<p>CI-Confidence intervals; the values placed in brackets in the control and treatment columns are m...
The number of mosquitoes dissected per method is included at the top of the bars.</p
<p>*Number of individuals collected.</p><p>Population information for the <i>Aedes aegypti</i> sampl...
<p>Number of laboratory-reared mosquitoes per age, selected to simulate the age distribution of wild...
<p>CI – Confidence intervals; <sup>a</sup> - Model estimated mean proportions of activated mosquitoe...
<p>The number of collection evenings is indicated for each village.</p><p>* not identified to specie...
a<p>Values in parentheses represent interquartile ranges. For <i>An. arabiensis</i> letters that dif...
<p>For all houses n = 8, except for house 3 (n = 7). Four houses were selected for the different int...
a<p>Values in parenthesis represent interquartile ranges. Percentage reduction of mosquito catches d...
<p>Mean numbers + 95% confidence interval (CI) of <i>Aedes aegypti</i> mosquitoes collected hourly b...
<p>Means and standard deviations of the number of mosquitoes collected per site and per night at eac...
<p>*Mean number of collected female mosquito per house (95% CI) [% of houses positive for mosquito p...
<p>The values placed in brackets in the control and treatment columns are model estimated mean propo...
<p>Total number of each mosquito species/genusof both sexes caught by each type of trap.</p
<p><b>(A)</b> Mean weekly catches (± S. E.) of male <i>Ae</i>. <i>aegypti</i> caught by BGS, GAT and...
<p>CI-Confidence intervals; the values placed in brackets in the control and treatment columns are m...
The number of mosquitoes dissected per method is included at the top of the bars.</p
<p>*Number of individuals collected.</p><p>Population information for the <i>Aedes aegypti</i> sampl...
<p>Number of laboratory-reared mosquitoes per age, selected to simulate the age distribution of wild...
<p>CI – Confidence intervals; <sup>a</sup> - Model estimated mean proportions of activated mosquitoe...
<p>The number of collection evenings is indicated for each village.</p><p>* not identified to specie...
a<p>Values in parentheses represent interquartile ranges. For <i>An. arabiensis</i> letters that dif...
<p>For all houses n = 8, except for house 3 (n = 7). Four houses were selected for the different int...
a<p>Values in parenthesis represent interquartile ranges. Percentage reduction of mosquito catches d...