<p>A) Lipid content in oocytes with different protein sources (0.4% BSA or 10% FCS) with or without phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitor (10<sup>−5</sup> M SDF) associated or not with PKG inhibitor (10<sup>-5</sup>M KT5823). B) Representative image (20x magnification) of Nile Red stained FCS and FCS + SDF treated oocytes. The control group consists of COCs matured with 0.4% BSA without addition of FCS or SDF. Data are expressed as the mean ± SEM of six replicates. Values with different superscript letters differ significantly (p<0.05). FI, fluorescence intensity (arbitrary units).</p
Metabolism and ATP levels within the oocyte and adjacent cumulus cells are associated with quality o...
Dla wielu gatunków zawartość lipidów w żeńskich komórkach rozrodczych może być miarą ich kompetencji...
<p>Shown is a 3D PCA plot for the MALDI-TOF data of single oocytes. a) Red (n = 12), blue (n = 13), ...
This study aimed to investigate the use of Nile red, a fluorescent dye specific for intracellular li...
This study aimed to investigate the use of Nile red, a fluorescent dye specific for intracellular li...
The influence of cumulus cells (CC) on the lipid profile of bovine oocytes matured in two different ...
<p>(A) <i>Cumulus</i>-oocyte complexes (COCs), <i>cumulus</i>-free oocytes (ZP+) and ZP-free oocytes...
<p>The influence of cumulus cells (CC) on the lipid profile of bovine oocytes matured in two differe...
Linoleic acid (LA) is a polyunsaturated fatty acid present in high concentrations in bovine follicul...
This study assessed the lipid composition of oocytes from different follicle sizes and compared the ...
<p>Zona-intact ovulated oocytes were pretreated with 15 mM MβCD for 30 min at 37°C to remove cholest...
Bovine oocytes and blastocysts produced in vitro are frequently of lower quality and less cryotolera...
<p>Zona-intact ovulated oocytes were incubated with the fluorescent cholesterol probe for 15 min at ...
A comparative lipidomic profiling analysis of dairy cattle oocytes with different developmental comp...
AuthorThe aims were to explore substances affecting maturation of porcine oocytes and effects of cho...
Metabolism and ATP levels within the oocyte and adjacent cumulus cells are associated with quality o...
Dla wielu gatunków zawartość lipidów w żeńskich komórkach rozrodczych może być miarą ich kompetencji...
<p>Shown is a 3D PCA plot for the MALDI-TOF data of single oocytes. a) Red (n = 12), blue (n = 13), ...
This study aimed to investigate the use of Nile red, a fluorescent dye specific for intracellular li...
This study aimed to investigate the use of Nile red, a fluorescent dye specific for intracellular li...
The influence of cumulus cells (CC) on the lipid profile of bovine oocytes matured in two different ...
<p>(A) <i>Cumulus</i>-oocyte complexes (COCs), <i>cumulus</i>-free oocytes (ZP+) and ZP-free oocytes...
<p>The influence of cumulus cells (CC) on the lipid profile of bovine oocytes matured in two differe...
Linoleic acid (LA) is a polyunsaturated fatty acid present in high concentrations in bovine follicul...
This study assessed the lipid composition of oocytes from different follicle sizes and compared the ...
<p>Zona-intact ovulated oocytes were pretreated with 15 mM MβCD for 30 min at 37°C to remove cholest...
Bovine oocytes and blastocysts produced in vitro are frequently of lower quality and less cryotolera...
<p>Zona-intact ovulated oocytes were incubated with the fluorescent cholesterol probe for 15 min at ...
A comparative lipidomic profiling analysis of dairy cattle oocytes with different developmental comp...
AuthorThe aims were to explore substances affecting maturation of porcine oocytes and effects of cho...
Metabolism and ATP levels within the oocyte and adjacent cumulus cells are associated with quality o...
Dla wielu gatunków zawartość lipidów w żeńskich komórkach rozrodczych może być miarą ich kompetencji...
<p>Shown is a 3D PCA plot for the MALDI-TOF data of single oocytes. a) Red (n = 12), blue (n = 13), ...