Not a wet generation but a wet nation : The dynamics of change and stasis in the Finnish drinking culture from 1968-2008

  • Härkönen, Janne
Publication date
May 2013
University of Helsinki Libraries


The drinking culture in Finland has gone through profound changes over the last four decades. One explicit sign of transitions has been a nearly continuous increase in the total consumption of alcohol, which has three-folded since 1968. Increasing alcohol consumption has meant increase in various alcohol-related harms. Causes of death that are directly attributable to alcohol use are the leading cause of death among working aged men and women in Finland. In addition to harm to the drinker, excessive alcohol use results in various types of harms to others in the society through, e.g., drunk driving, family and other violence, child neglect etc. Because the developments in alcohol-related harms depend on changes in both the total consumption ...

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