Hypertension, obesity, dyslipidemia and dysglycemia constitute metabolic syndrome, a major public health concern, which is associated with cardiovascular mortality. High dietary salt (NaCl) is the most important dietary risk factor for elevated blood pressure. The kidney has a major role in salt-sensitive hypertension and is vulnerable to harmful effects of increased blood pressure. Elevated serum urate is a common finding in these disorders. While dysregulation of urate excretion is associated with cardiovascular diseases, present studies aimed to clarify the role of xanthine oxidoreductase (XOR), i.e. xanthine dehydrogenase (XDH) and its post-translational isoform xanthine oxidase (XO), in cardiovascular diseases. XOR yields urate from ...
Os rins têm papel central na patogênese da hipertensão arterial primária. Dentre os mecanismos renai...
Total energy intake, physical activity, body size and body composition determine total energy expend...
Übergewichtige Personen, die keine fettleibigkeitsbedingten metabolischen Komplikationen zeigen, wur...
Cyclosporine-A (CsA) is widely used after organ transplantation to prevent rejection and in the trea...
While hypertension has been linked to various modifiable and fixed risk factors, the exact mechanism...
Subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT) dysfunction has been theorized to drive some of the effects of obe...
Thyroid dysfunctions, especially subclinical forms, are common and could be related to an elevated c...
Primaari hypertensio on merkittävä verenkiertosairauksien päätetapahtumien riskitekijä. Hypoteeseja ...
Primaari hypertensio on merkittävä verenkiertosairauksien päätetapahtumien riskitekijä. Hypoteeseja ...
Verisuonitonuksen säätely kroonisessa munuaisten vajaatoiminnassa Nykyiset kehittyneet dialyysitek...
Background: Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and the metabolic syndrome (MetS) have become ...
Kohonnut verenpaine ja munuaisten vajaatoiminta aiheuttavat lisääntynyttä sairastavuutta ja kuolleis...
Kohonnut verenpaine ja munuaisten vajaatoiminta aiheuttavat lisääntynyttä sairastavuutta ja kuolleis...
UDP-glucuronosyltransferases (UGTs) are responsible for the metabolism of many xenobiotics, as well ...
Godine 1967. Crepaldi je prvi zapazio da se u mnogo ljudi istovremeno pojavljuju pretilost, dislipid...
Os rins têm papel central na patogênese da hipertensão arterial primária. Dentre os mecanismos renai...
Total energy intake, physical activity, body size and body composition determine total energy expend...
Übergewichtige Personen, die keine fettleibigkeitsbedingten metabolischen Komplikationen zeigen, wur...
Cyclosporine-A (CsA) is widely used after organ transplantation to prevent rejection and in the trea...
While hypertension has been linked to various modifiable and fixed risk factors, the exact mechanism...
Subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT) dysfunction has been theorized to drive some of the effects of obe...
Thyroid dysfunctions, especially subclinical forms, are common and could be related to an elevated c...
Primaari hypertensio on merkittävä verenkiertosairauksien päätetapahtumien riskitekijä. Hypoteeseja ...
Primaari hypertensio on merkittävä verenkiertosairauksien päätetapahtumien riskitekijä. Hypoteeseja ...
Verisuonitonuksen säätely kroonisessa munuaisten vajaatoiminnassa Nykyiset kehittyneet dialyysitek...
Background: Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and the metabolic syndrome (MetS) have become ...
Kohonnut verenpaine ja munuaisten vajaatoiminta aiheuttavat lisääntynyttä sairastavuutta ja kuolleis...
Kohonnut verenpaine ja munuaisten vajaatoiminta aiheuttavat lisääntynyttä sairastavuutta ja kuolleis...
UDP-glucuronosyltransferases (UGTs) are responsible for the metabolism of many xenobiotics, as well ...
Godine 1967. Crepaldi je prvi zapazio da se u mnogo ljudi istovremeno pojavljuju pretilost, dislipid...
Os rins têm papel central na patogênese da hipertensão arterial primária. Dentre os mecanismos renai...
Total energy intake, physical activity, body size and body composition determine total energy expend...
Übergewichtige Personen, die keine fettleibigkeitsbedingten metabolischen Komplikationen zeigen, wur...