The background of this research is that teachers have an important role in education, the role of Islamic religious education teachers are very large contributionin the implementation of the learning process, at least will shape the attitudes of students in learning. The purpose of this study was to describe the role of the teacher of Islamic education, the difficulties are faced by teachers of Islamic religious education in carrying out its role, the efforts of teachers of Islamic religious education to overcome difficulties in carrying out its role to encourage and increase learning achievement of Islamic religious education of students in MTs Muhammadiyah Surakarta and junior hight school Ta' mirul Islam Surakarta. This research type is ...
The objectives of this study are: (a) To determine the learning motivation of students during the pa...
ABSTRAK Kepala sekolah merupakan pemimpin pendidikan yang sangat penting. Dapat dilaksanakan at...
The implementation of faith education and the Qur'an has an important role in human life. Almost al...
The role of the teacher as a manager in classroom learning activities has long been one of the impor...
At this time most of the various educational institutions teachers only rate on the domain of the co...
ABSTRAK Dengan berkembangnya teknologi informasi sedikit banyak telah merusak pikiran siswa sehin...
The use of media is very important in learning, especially date lessons. Given that learning in the ...
This study uses a qualitative approach. It is a research methods which is used to research the condi...
ABSTRAK Proses pembelajaran dialami sepanjang hayat seorang manusia serta dapat berlaku dimanap...
ABSTRAK Pondok pesantren merupakan lembaga pendidikan islam tertua di Indonesia yang muncul sejak...
ABSTRACT Role of Islamic Religious Education teachers in memorizing the Qur'an is very importan...
Nasyiatul Aisyiah Ranting Is an autnomous organization and cadre of Muhammadiyahwhich is an Islamic ...
ABSTRAK Pendidikan yang maju tidak lepas dari peran guru yang professional. Sebab itu, memberdaya...
Character education is an effort that is systematically structured and implemented to help students ...
ABSTRAK Dalam lembaga pendidikan baik pendidikan formal maupun non formal, mata pelajaran pend...
The objectives of this study are: (a) To determine the learning motivation of students during the pa...
ABSTRAK Kepala sekolah merupakan pemimpin pendidikan yang sangat penting. Dapat dilaksanakan at...
The implementation of faith education and the Qur'an has an important role in human life. Almost al...
The role of the teacher as a manager in classroom learning activities has long been one of the impor...
At this time most of the various educational institutions teachers only rate on the domain of the co...
ABSTRAK Dengan berkembangnya teknologi informasi sedikit banyak telah merusak pikiran siswa sehin...
The use of media is very important in learning, especially date lessons. Given that learning in the ...
This study uses a qualitative approach. It is a research methods which is used to research the condi...
ABSTRAK Proses pembelajaran dialami sepanjang hayat seorang manusia serta dapat berlaku dimanap...
ABSTRAK Pondok pesantren merupakan lembaga pendidikan islam tertua di Indonesia yang muncul sejak...
ABSTRACT Role of Islamic Religious Education teachers in memorizing the Qur'an is very importan...
Nasyiatul Aisyiah Ranting Is an autnomous organization and cadre of Muhammadiyahwhich is an Islamic ...
ABSTRAK Pendidikan yang maju tidak lepas dari peran guru yang professional. Sebab itu, memberdaya...
Character education is an effort that is systematically structured and implemented to help students ...
ABSTRAK Dalam lembaga pendidikan baik pendidikan formal maupun non formal, mata pelajaran pend...
The objectives of this study are: (a) To determine the learning motivation of students during the pa...
ABSTRAK Kepala sekolah merupakan pemimpin pendidikan yang sangat penting. Dapat dilaksanakan at...
The implementation of faith education and the Qur'an has an important role in human life. Almost al...