Hubungan Sikap Ahli Gizi dan Pramusaji Terhadap Tingkat Kepuasan Pasien Kelas III Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah (RSUD) Kota Salatiga

  • Prasetyani, Liyana Nisa
  • , Endang Nur W, S.St., M.Si.Med
  • , Rusdin Rauf, S.TP., M.P
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Publication date
January 2016


ABSTRACT Introduction: Satisfaction is a feeling of happy or disappointed that result from comparing a perceived performance with expectations. Patients’ assess satisfaction services that provided directly by doctor, nurse, dietitians, pharmacists and waitresses. Data of food waste in Salatiga Hospital were rice (43,39%), animal side dish (37%), nabaty side dish (58,3%) and vegetables (43,75%). Objective: To analyze the relationship between nutritionists and waitresses attitude and the level of patients’ satisfaction at class III Salatiga Hospital. Methods: This research used cross-sectional study, and the sampel consisted of 52 patients. The normality of data were tested using Kolmogorov Smirnov, data which were not normally distribut...

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