This study contributes to the empirical research on leadership of multicultural teams from the Positive Organizational Scholarship perspective (POS). Following the information/decision-making processes perspective on team cultural diversity, we examined the positive effect of leaders' global identity, on multicultural team innovation. We proposed that R&D, multicultural team leaders with high global identity foster team-shared innovation goals and motivate team members to adopt communication inclusion behavior, making sure that they all understand each other. Furthermore, we propose that the effect of fostering team shared innovation goals on communication inclusion will be stronger for teams with perceived high, rather than low, cultural d...
Drawing on impression formation theory (Fiske & Neuberg, 1990), social identity theory (Tajfel & Tur...
Despite ongoing change, most cross-cultural management theory and research tends to emphasize proble...
Even though cross-cultural research on teams and group work has long been a social agenda, phenomena...
By bringing team members with different cultural backgrounds together, teams in international busine...
By bringing team members with different cultural backgrounds together, teams in international busine...
markdownabstractThe aim of this dissertation is to understand how to manage cultural diverse teams i...
The current research examines the conditions under which cross‐cultural teams can realize their crea...
In the 21stcentury, business engagements are becoming increasingly global, and global teams are now ...
Purpose – The innovative capacity of an organization is typically realized through unit-level teams....
This thesis examines the relationship between cultural intelligence (CQ) in leaders and perceived gr...
Abstract “… [S]olving modern problems requires teamwork that draws on a broad range of expertise and...
This thesis explores the impact of culture and diversity on multicultural teams and the potential be...
With globalization and the current direction towards more integrated and cooperating world of busine...
The present study examines managerial practices that are perceived to promote multicultural team eff...
This thesis aims to answer the research question “How to lead effectively a multicultural team”. The...
Drawing on impression formation theory (Fiske & Neuberg, 1990), social identity theory (Tajfel & Tur...
Despite ongoing change, most cross-cultural management theory and research tends to emphasize proble...
Even though cross-cultural research on teams and group work has long been a social agenda, phenomena...
By bringing team members with different cultural backgrounds together, teams in international busine...
By bringing team members with different cultural backgrounds together, teams in international busine...
markdownabstractThe aim of this dissertation is to understand how to manage cultural diverse teams i...
The current research examines the conditions under which cross‐cultural teams can realize their crea...
In the 21stcentury, business engagements are becoming increasingly global, and global teams are now ...
Purpose – The innovative capacity of an organization is typically realized through unit-level teams....
This thesis examines the relationship between cultural intelligence (CQ) in leaders and perceived gr...
Abstract “… [S]olving modern problems requires teamwork that draws on a broad range of expertise and...
This thesis explores the impact of culture and diversity on multicultural teams and the potential be...
With globalization and the current direction towards more integrated and cooperating world of busine...
The present study examines managerial practices that are perceived to promote multicultural team eff...
This thesis aims to answer the research question “How to lead effectively a multicultural team”. The...
Drawing on impression formation theory (Fiske & Neuberg, 1990), social identity theory (Tajfel & Tur...
Despite ongoing change, most cross-cultural management theory and research tends to emphasize proble...
Even though cross-cultural research on teams and group work has long been a social agenda, phenomena...