Cílem této práce bylo uskutečnit diskontinuální natronové várky slámy řepky olejky (Brassica napus L. convar. napus) bez a s přídavkem antrachinonu do varného louhu. Složení řepkové slámy je charakterizováno koncentrací celulózy, holocelulózy, Klasonova ligninu, popela a látek extrahovatelných do polárních a organických rozpouštědel. Sledován byl vliv přídavku antrachinonu na stupeň delignifikace, celkový výtěžek a množství neprovarů. U vybraných vzorků buničiny byl stanoven stupeň polymerace, rychlost sedimentace a pevnostní vlastnosti.The aim of this work was to conduct batch soda pulping of rapeseed straw (species Brassica napus L. convar. napus) without and with addition of anthraquinone as a catalyst in the cooking liquor. To cha...
Soda pulp cooked from rapeseed straw was subjected to the totally chlorine-free bleaching using hydr...
Soda pulp cooked from rapeseed straw was subjected to the totally chlorine-free bleaching using hydr...
Soda pulp cooked from rapeseed straw (Brassica napus L. convar. napus, in our case winter line genot...
Práce se zabývá přípravou vlákniny ze slámy řepky olejky chemickým a chemicko- -mechanickým postupem...
Cílem práce bylo uskutečnit diskontinuální alkalické várky slámy brukve řepky olejky (Brassica napu...
This research is aimed to study the possibility of rapeseed straw (Hayolla401) pulping and its paper...
The paper deals with batch soda cooking of pulp from rapeseed straw. The preliminary runs were focus...
Řepková sláma byla podrobena chemicko-mechanickému zpracování, které bylo za laboratorních podmínek ...
The paper deals with the displacement washing of unbleached pulp cooked from rapeseed straw by the s...
Laboratory bleaching study was carried out on soda rapeseed pulp to investigate the influence of two...
This study deals with chemi-mechanical pulping of rapeseed straw (species Brassica napus L. convar. ...
Soda pulp cooked from rapeseed straw (Brassica napus L. convar. napus, winter line genotype Labrador...
The aim of this work was to investigate the displacement washing process of soda pulp cooked from ra...
Soda-anthraquinone (soda-AQ) pulping of barley straw was used to obtain cellulosic pulps for paperma...
The aim of this work was to investigate the displacement washing process of soda pulp cooked from ra...
Soda pulp cooked from rapeseed straw was subjected to the totally chlorine-free bleaching using hydr...
Soda pulp cooked from rapeseed straw was subjected to the totally chlorine-free bleaching using hydr...
Soda pulp cooked from rapeseed straw (Brassica napus L. convar. napus, in our case winter line genot...
Práce se zabývá přípravou vlákniny ze slámy řepky olejky chemickým a chemicko- -mechanickým postupem...
Cílem práce bylo uskutečnit diskontinuální alkalické várky slámy brukve řepky olejky (Brassica napu...
This research is aimed to study the possibility of rapeseed straw (Hayolla401) pulping and its paper...
The paper deals with batch soda cooking of pulp from rapeseed straw. The preliminary runs were focus...
Řepková sláma byla podrobena chemicko-mechanickému zpracování, které bylo za laboratorních podmínek ...
The paper deals with the displacement washing of unbleached pulp cooked from rapeseed straw by the s...
Laboratory bleaching study was carried out on soda rapeseed pulp to investigate the influence of two...
This study deals with chemi-mechanical pulping of rapeseed straw (species Brassica napus L. convar. ...
Soda pulp cooked from rapeseed straw (Brassica napus L. convar. napus, winter line genotype Labrador...
The aim of this work was to investigate the displacement washing process of soda pulp cooked from ra...
Soda-anthraquinone (soda-AQ) pulping of barley straw was used to obtain cellulosic pulps for paperma...
The aim of this work was to investigate the displacement washing process of soda pulp cooked from ra...
Soda pulp cooked from rapeseed straw was subjected to the totally chlorine-free bleaching using hydr...
Soda pulp cooked from rapeseed straw was subjected to the totally chlorine-free bleaching using hydr...
Soda pulp cooked from rapeseed straw (Brassica napus L. convar. napus, in our case winter line genot...