Tato diplomová práce se zabývá akulturací afghánských imigrantů ve Velké Británii a její dopad na vytváření rodinných vazeb akulturujících se imigrantů. Cílem je zjistit náhled imigrantů k tradičnímu uzavíraní sňatků a jejich vlastní přístup k tomuto fenoménu.This thesis deals with acculturation of Afghan immigrants in Great Britain and its impact on the creation of family ties of immigrants who acculturate. The aim is to determine the image of immigrants to the traditional marriages and their own approach to this phenomenon.Katedra sociálních vědRozprava o výtkách vedoucí práce i oponentk
This thesis presents the results of Iranian women’s marriages with Afghan illegal immigrants. The in...
The bachelor thesis attempts to deal theoretically with the role of diasporas in international relat...
The thesis Relationships of Muslim Families towards Czech School - The Role of Cultural and Religiou...
Tato práce se zabývá problémem výběru partnera afghánských imigrantů ve Velké Británii. Pro přiblíže...
The topic of this thesis is the issue of family roles of man and woman in the context of change that...
The thesis will examine the role of religion among young Afghans in the Czech Republic. The Afghan "...
W pracy omówiono zagadnienie percepcji własnej tożsamości kulturowej uchodźców, w momencie zetknięci...
The graduation thesis treats of the theme of ethnic identity of a Gypsy child in an adoptive family....
The paper focuses on the study of the of impact ethnic, religious, civil and Russian identities, eth...
The paper deals with ethnically mixed marriages as with a special form of intercultural contact at t...
The bachelor thesis focuses on living in an ethnically mixed family. The first chapter of the theore...
Tato diplomová práce se zabývá tím, jak jsou pojímány příbuzenské a sociální vztahy u Bulharů, kteří...
The article describes the problems of ethnic self-identity among descendants of mixed marrieages. Th...
Diplomová práce se zabývá smíšenými manželstvími u Olašských Romů, zda a jak ovlivňují socio-kulturn...
The centre of attention in my research regards one of the minorities, the Muslim group. The main aim...
This thesis presents the results of Iranian women’s marriages with Afghan illegal immigrants. The in...
The bachelor thesis attempts to deal theoretically with the role of diasporas in international relat...
The thesis Relationships of Muslim Families towards Czech School - The Role of Cultural and Religiou...
Tato práce se zabývá problémem výběru partnera afghánských imigrantů ve Velké Británii. Pro přiblíže...
The topic of this thesis is the issue of family roles of man and woman in the context of change that...
The thesis will examine the role of religion among young Afghans in the Czech Republic. The Afghan "...
W pracy omówiono zagadnienie percepcji własnej tożsamości kulturowej uchodźców, w momencie zetknięci...
The graduation thesis treats of the theme of ethnic identity of a Gypsy child in an adoptive family....
The paper focuses on the study of the of impact ethnic, religious, civil and Russian identities, eth...
The paper deals with ethnically mixed marriages as with a special form of intercultural contact at t...
The bachelor thesis focuses on living in an ethnically mixed family. The first chapter of the theore...
Tato diplomová práce se zabývá tím, jak jsou pojímány příbuzenské a sociální vztahy u Bulharů, kteří...
The article describes the problems of ethnic self-identity among descendants of mixed marrieages. Th...
Diplomová práce se zabývá smíšenými manželstvími u Olašských Romů, zda a jak ovlivňují socio-kulturn...
The centre of attention in my research regards one of the minorities, the Muslim group. The main aim...
This thesis presents the results of Iranian women’s marriages with Afghan illegal immigrants. The in...
The bachelor thesis attempts to deal theoretically with the role of diasporas in international relat...
The thesis Relationships of Muslim Families towards Czech School - The Role of Cultural and Religiou...