Předložená práce se zabývá prvkovou analýzou vlasů a jejím významem v lékařské diagnostice.The present study deals with the elemental analysis of hair and its importance in medical diagnostics.Ústav environmentálního a chemického inženýrstvíPosluchač seznámil komisi s obsahem své bakalářské práce a následně zodpověděl dotazy členů komise. - v bakalářské práci chybí šest stránek - citace literatury v textu - výsledky obsahu kadmia a olova u kuřáků a nekuřáků - sledování arsenu ve vlasech - množství vzorků - kreslení graf
Background. Cancer constitutes a major health problem worldwide. Thus, search for reliable and pract...
Hair is an excellent matrix for monitoring trace elements and minerals in the body. To long-term cha...
The determination of minerals and trace elements in human hair is potentially useful for assessing a...
V této diplomové práci je zpracována literární rešerše zabývající se prvkovou analýzou lidských vlas...
Předmětem první části bakalářské práce jsou lidské vlasy, kdy je zmiňovaná jejich stavba a chemické ...
Diplomová práce je zaměřena na prvkovou analýzu lidských vlasů a koňských žíní. Byl navržen a uprave...
The use of hair as a bioindicator of environmental contamination by risk elements is becoming more a...
Human hair is a biological sample that is, unlike blood, noninvasively collected and can be used in ...
The article presents the data on development of methods for spectral analysis of human biological su...
Aspects related to the quality of human hair analysis are presented, such as sample collection, samp...
The thesis focuses on an evaluation of own experience in determining trace elements in hair and on g...
Aspects related to the quality of human hair analysis are presented, such as sample collection, samp...
In the paper the research of the contents of the elements in traces from the hair of various popula...
A new optimal method of preparing one of the human biosubstrates (hair) to an arc atomic emission sp...
Many of disease states are closely related to changes in concentrations and in correlations between ...
Background. Cancer constitutes a major health problem worldwide. Thus, search for reliable and pract...
Hair is an excellent matrix for monitoring trace elements and minerals in the body. To long-term cha...
The determination of minerals and trace elements in human hair is potentially useful for assessing a...
V této diplomové práci je zpracována literární rešerše zabývající se prvkovou analýzou lidských vlas...
Předmětem první části bakalářské práce jsou lidské vlasy, kdy je zmiňovaná jejich stavba a chemické ...
Diplomová práce je zaměřena na prvkovou analýzu lidských vlasů a koňských žíní. Byl navržen a uprave...
The use of hair as a bioindicator of environmental contamination by risk elements is becoming more a...
Human hair is a biological sample that is, unlike blood, noninvasively collected and can be used in ...
The article presents the data on development of methods for spectral analysis of human biological su...
Aspects related to the quality of human hair analysis are presented, such as sample collection, samp...
The thesis focuses on an evaluation of own experience in determining trace elements in hair and on g...
Aspects related to the quality of human hair analysis are presented, such as sample collection, samp...
In the paper the research of the contents of the elements in traces from the hair of various popula...
A new optimal method of preparing one of the human biosubstrates (hair) to an arc atomic emission sp...
Many of disease states are closely related to changes in concentrations and in correlations between ...
Background. Cancer constitutes a major health problem worldwide. Thus, search for reliable and pract...
Hair is an excellent matrix for monitoring trace elements and minerals in the body. To long-term cha...
The determination of minerals and trace elements in human hair is potentially useful for assessing a...