This thesis is a comparative study of Rapid Serial Visual Presentation (RSVP) which is a dynamic method of presenting text. The aim of the study was to investigate how to improve the user friendlyness of RSVP for today's mobile phones and technology. To fulfill the purpose, the aspects of the method which could be improved was investigated and then implemented in a prototype. The prototype was tested in an experimental study after which the result was analyzed and compared with previous studies of RSVP. The new features that were implemented in this study showed no significant improvements in usability compared with previous studies, but proved to be more user-friendly in comparison with normal spatial reading.Denna uppsats är en jämförande...
The primary objective of the Rapid Serial Visual Presentation Panel (RSVPP) was to aid in understand...
grantor: University of TorontoIn two experiments, five ways of self-paced reading of elect...
Projektarbetet har utförts i samarbete med Brokk AB i syfte att studera hur illustration kan anpassa...
Rapid Seriell Visuell Presentation (RSVP) är ett koncept som har möjligheten att påverka hur en anvä...
This study examines using Rapid Serial Visual Presentation (RSVP), a method for displaying the words...
Abstract. The focus on communications technology in recent years has led to the question of how to b...
This commentary addresses the recently exploited presentation technique called Rapid Serial Visual P...
The thesis presents findings from five readability studies performed on mobile devices. The dynamic ...
The number of hand-held devices has exploded in the last five years. They all use small-screen inter...
There is increasing interest in the readability of text presented on small digital screens. Designer...
Användare vill idag snabbt och enkelt kunna hitta den information de behöver på sina mobiltelefoner....
As electronic devices such as Personal Digital Assistants (PDA), cellular phones and pagers become d...
Rapid Serial Visual Presentation (RSVP) is now a well-established category of image display methods....
There are a number of applications in consumer and industrial product environments in which there is...
Rapid Serial Visual Presentation (RSVP) is an effective tool for information navigation. We applied...
The primary objective of the Rapid Serial Visual Presentation Panel (RSVPP) was to aid in understand...
grantor: University of TorontoIn two experiments, five ways of self-paced reading of elect...
Projektarbetet har utförts i samarbete med Brokk AB i syfte att studera hur illustration kan anpassa...
Rapid Seriell Visuell Presentation (RSVP) är ett koncept som har möjligheten att påverka hur en anvä...
This study examines using Rapid Serial Visual Presentation (RSVP), a method for displaying the words...
Abstract. The focus on communications technology in recent years has led to the question of how to b...
This commentary addresses the recently exploited presentation technique called Rapid Serial Visual P...
The thesis presents findings from five readability studies performed on mobile devices. The dynamic ...
The number of hand-held devices has exploded in the last five years. They all use small-screen inter...
There is increasing interest in the readability of text presented on small digital screens. Designer...
Användare vill idag snabbt och enkelt kunna hitta den information de behöver på sina mobiltelefoner....
As electronic devices such as Personal Digital Assistants (PDA), cellular phones and pagers become d...
Rapid Serial Visual Presentation (RSVP) is now a well-established category of image display methods....
There are a number of applications in consumer and industrial product environments in which there is...
Rapid Serial Visual Presentation (RSVP) is an effective tool for information navigation. We applied...
The primary objective of the Rapid Serial Visual Presentation Panel (RSVPP) was to aid in understand...
grantor: University of TorontoIn two experiments, five ways of self-paced reading of elect...
Projektarbetet har utförts i samarbete med Brokk AB i syfte att studera hur illustration kan anpassa...