Práce ukazuje rozdílné přístupy, jimiž Bradley, Cornwell a Woolley ve svých dílech zachycují středověká témata známá z nejrozšířenější formy legendy o králi Artušovi, zasazují je do reálných historických kulis a k tomu v díle vyjadřují svůj autorský záměr, mnohdy úzce spojený se současnou sociální a politickou situací.The thesis shows the different approaches of Bradley, Cornwell and Woolley both to follow the Medieval themes of the most widely known form of the Arthurian legend, set it into the real historical background, and express their intentions which are closely connected to the contemporary socio-political climate.Ústav historických vědDokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobo
There is no denying the present-day enthusiasm for Arthurian themes in entertainment. This long-live...
Exploring systemic, gendered power dynamics and inequalities for women within medieval Matters of Ro...
Exploring systemic, gendered power dynamics and inequalities for women within medieval Matters of Ro...
In presenting a mythical establishment of British and English nationhood that is one of the most pop...
Práce se věnuje analýze literární a mecenášské činnosti Lady Mary Sidney Herbert, hraběnky z Pembrok...
The Role of Women During the Reign of the Tudor Dynasty The purpose of this writing is to introduce ...
This paper aims to analyse the role of some Arthurian feminine characters in contemporary Arthurian ...
The purpose of this study was to determine if and to what extent nineteenth-century British women wr...
This research assesses the significance and distinctiveness of the work of four women writers of Art...
Literature is often a product of its time, though some works can be said to be more indicative of th...
Few scholars seem to think of the twelfth century as an era during which the humanitarian leaps and ...
Głównym celem niniejszej pracy jest ukazanie wpływu patriarchalnych wzorców zakorzenionych w średnio...
The article offers an analysis of depictions of women in Józef Apolinary Rolle’s literary output. Th...
Gothic illumination, which embraced a wide range of topics and plots, was, on the one hand, focused ...
Niniejsza praca jest poświęcona roli, jaką legenda arturiańska odgrywa w tworzeniu postaci w powieśc...
There is no denying the present-day enthusiasm for Arthurian themes in entertainment. This long-live...
Exploring systemic, gendered power dynamics and inequalities for women within medieval Matters of Ro...
Exploring systemic, gendered power dynamics and inequalities for women within medieval Matters of Ro...
In presenting a mythical establishment of British and English nationhood that is one of the most pop...
Práce se věnuje analýze literární a mecenášské činnosti Lady Mary Sidney Herbert, hraběnky z Pembrok...
The Role of Women During the Reign of the Tudor Dynasty The purpose of this writing is to introduce ...
This paper aims to analyse the role of some Arthurian feminine characters in contemporary Arthurian ...
The purpose of this study was to determine if and to what extent nineteenth-century British women wr...
This research assesses the significance and distinctiveness of the work of four women writers of Art...
Literature is often a product of its time, though some works can be said to be more indicative of th...
Few scholars seem to think of the twelfth century as an era during which the humanitarian leaps and ...
Głównym celem niniejszej pracy jest ukazanie wpływu patriarchalnych wzorców zakorzenionych w średnio...
The article offers an analysis of depictions of women in Józef Apolinary Rolle’s literary output. Th...
Gothic illumination, which embraced a wide range of topics and plots, was, on the one hand, focused ...
Niniejsza praca jest poświęcona roli, jaką legenda arturiańska odgrywa w tworzeniu postaci w powieśc...
There is no denying the present-day enthusiasm for Arthurian themes in entertainment. This long-live...
Exploring systemic, gendered power dynamics and inequalities for women within medieval Matters of Ro...
Exploring systemic, gendered power dynamics and inequalities for women within medieval Matters of Ro...