Den här studien utvärderar potentialen i söktermsdata från Google som ledande indikator för priser på bostadsmarknaden i Stockholm. Det prediktiva innehållet i söktermsdata från Google Trends jämförs mot en mer klassisk prognosmodell byggd på makroekonomiska variabler. Genom att mäta avvikelsen i en pseudo-prognos redovisas respektive datakällas förmåga till riktiga prognoser. Den huvudsakliga slutsatsen är att det finns resultat som styrker tesen om prediktivt innehåll i Googledata, framförallt för prognoser med horisonter upp till sex månader. Genom att använda Googledata skapas prognoser som har en mindre avvikelse från den faktiska tidsserien är vad modellen byggd på makroekonomiska variabler kan leverera. Resultatet visar på användbarh...
The aim of this paper is to operationalize five out of seven points in Shiller s (2010) asset-pricin...
En studie gjord av den internationella mäklarfirman Knight Frank placerar den svenska bostadsmarknad...
Purpose of the research: The purpose is to forecast the future trend of housing prices in Stockholm ...
Tiedonetsintä tapahtuu nykyään suurelta osin internetissä. Internetissä tehtyjen hakujen on havaittu...
I denne oppgaven bruker vi Google søkevolum til å predikere den ukentlige avkastningen til industri-...
This thesis studies whether Google search trends can be used as indicators for movements in the S&am...
To capture house price fluctuations, it is important to combine appropriate factors into the price f...
In this thesis, the usefulness of search engine data to nowcast the unemployment rate of Sweden is e...
Purpose – Recent research has found significant relationships between internet search volume and rea...
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine internet search query data provided by “Google Tre...
Titel: Googles sökmotor på lokal nivå – En kvalitativ studie om hur fem mäklar- och fastighetsbyråer...
The purpose of this Bachelor thesis is to analyze if there is a correlation between stock prices and...
This thesis examines what effect online search data has on the Czech real estate market, specificall...
To make effective decisions, consumers, executives and policymakers must make predictions. However, ...
This study aims to provide insights into the correct usage of Google search data, which are availabl...
The aim of this paper is to operationalize five out of seven points in Shiller s (2010) asset-pricin...
En studie gjord av den internationella mäklarfirman Knight Frank placerar den svenska bostadsmarknad...
Purpose of the research: The purpose is to forecast the future trend of housing prices in Stockholm ...
Tiedonetsintä tapahtuu nykyään suurelta osin internetissä. Internetissä tehtyjen hakujen on havaittu...
I denne oppgaven bruker vi Google søkevolum til å predikere den ukentlige avkastningen til industri-...
This thesis studies whether Google search trends can be used as indicators for movements in the S&am...
To capture house price fluctuations, it is important to combine appropriate factors into the price f...
In this thesis, the usefulness of search engine data to nowcast the unemployment rate of Sweden is e...
Purpose – Recent research has found significant relationships between internet search volume and rea...
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine internet search query data provided by “Google Tre...
Titel: Googles sökmotor på lokal nivå – En kvalitativ studie om hur fem mäklar- och fastighetsbyråer...
The purpose of this Bachelor thesis is to analyze if there is a correlation between stock prices and...
This thesis examines what effect online search data has on the Czech real estate market, specificall...
To make effective decisions, consumers, executives and policymakers must make predictions. However, ...
This study aims to provide insights into the correct usage of Google search data, which are availabl...
The aim of this paper is to operationalize five out of seven points in Shiller s (2010) asset-pricin...
En studie gjord av den internationella mäklarfirman Knight Frank placerar den svenska bostadsmarknad...
Purpose of the research: The purpose is to forecast the future trend of housing prices in Stockholm ...