The new hit HBO television show Westworld is an American science fiction show, which taps into our hopes and fears about robots. The show imagines a technologically advanced Wild West theme park, which is populated by androids and robots who are called ‘hosts.’ Wealthy human ‘visitors’ come to the entertainment precinct to indulge their dreams and fantasies. Westworld is a mediation upon the law, ethics, and social norms in respect of robots.\ud \ud As a disruptive technology, robotics is transforming our society and our economy. Robots have been increasingly deployed in innovation as part of Australia’s “Ideas Boom”. There has been a mixture of hope and anxiety as to how robotics and artificial intelligence will affect jobs, education and ...
Humanity is on the threshold of an era in which robot, androids and other manifestations of artific...
Artificial intelligence (AI), thanks to pop culture, is widely identified with robots or humanoid ma...
The development of robots and their emerging rights will have significant impact on judicial and cri...
The new hit HBO television show Westworld is an American science fiction show, which taps into our h...
The robot protagonists in HBO’s Westworld open the door to several philosophical and ethical questio...
The rapid advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Robotics will have a profound impacton the so...
Robot Law brings together exemplary research on robotics law and policy–an area of scholarly inquiry...
Movies like Transformers and television shows like Westworld invite viewers to see robots as human. ...
When I was a boy, I read all of Isaac Asimov\u27s stories about robotics. In Asimov\u27s world, robo...
The development of digital technologies gradually brings various changes to the life of mankind, rel...
Speculation about robot morality is almost as old as the concept of a robot itself. Asimov’s three l...
Science fiction narratives have not only influenced the way the majority of people imagine the futur...
Robots are commonplace today in factories and on battlefields. The consumer market for robots is rap...
[Product description]Artificial Intelligence, Robots and the Law is a call to students, lawyers, tec...
"Bringing a unique perspective to the burgeoning ethical and legal issues surrounding the presence o...
Humanity is on the threshold of an era in which robot, androids and other manifestations of artific...
Artificial intelligence (AI), thanks to pop culture, is widely identified with robots or humanoid ma...
The development of robots and their emerging rights will have significant impact on judicial and cri...
The new hit HBO television show Westworld is an American science fiction show, which taps into our h...
The robot protagonists in HBO’s Westworld open the door to several philosophical and ethical questio...
The rapid advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Robotics will have a profound impacton the so...
Robot Law brings together exemplary research on robotics law and policy–an area of scholarly inquiry...
Movies like Transformers and television shows like Westworld invite viewers to see robots as human. ...
When I was a boy, I read all of Isaac Asimov\u27s stories about robotics. In Asimov\u27s world, robo...
The development of digital technologies gradually brings various changes to the life of mankind, rel...
Speculation about robot morality is almost as old as the concept of a robot itself. Asimov’s three l...
Science fiction narratives have not only influenced the way the majority of people imagine the futur...
Robots are commonplace today in factories and on battlefields. The consumer market for robots is rap...
[Product description]Artificial Intelligence, Robots and the Law is a call to students, lawyers, tec...
"Bringing a unique perspective to the burgeoning ethical and legal issues surrounding the presence o...
Humanity is on the threshold of an era in which robot, androids and other manifestations of artific...
Artificial intelligence (AI), thanks to pop culture, is widely identified with robots or humanoid ma...
The development of robots and their emerging rights will have significant impact on judicial and cri...