The fifty members of the 1936 graduating class at Westbrook Junior College, Portland, Maine, included four college-preparatory students. The members are, left to right, (first row) Bettina Burnett, Emily Weston, Mary Trowbridge, Ruth Hanscom, Mary Dana, Molly Thompson, Marie Germaine, Marguerite Pillsbury, and Mary Rice; (second row) Carolyn Wiggin, Harriett Cook, Frances Quincy, Lucia Pond, Frances Keefe, Althea Gould, Margaret Bassett, Mary McLaughlin, Beatrice Lewis, Barbara Chick, and Rose Wigon; (third row) June Craig, Rose Beausang, Jean Raeburn, Ellen Mabry, Jean Doeberl, Helen Reilly, Loraine Gross, Phyllis Johnson, Alice Rand, and Dorothy Leighton; (fourth row) Arlene Jack, Georgianna Evans, Barbara Higgins, Anna Horne, Margaret Sh...