The spleen is an important peripheral organ of the sanguification and immune defense. In vertebrates and humans, it is formed by the support-contractile apparatus, as well as by the white and red pulps. The red pulp consists of the soft splenic cords, reticular stromal systems, and sinuses, including vascular structures. The relative area of red pulp is an important test criterion of the organ. It takes from 48,95% to 84,3% in the vertebrates, and from 71,4% to 83,6% in humans. It depends on the class, type, race, sex, breed, the age of animals, or the person's age and physiological state. The indicator of red pulp’s relative area is used as a biomarker in the environment bioindication. Any change of its values indicates the changes of the ...
Journals, scientific conference proceedings, and other sources of information have been studied to g...
Journals, scientific conference proceedings, and other sources of information have been studied to g...
1. In studies of birds and their pathogens, spleen size has frequently been used to make inferences ...
The spleen is an organ that not only effectively uses its own immune cells, but also mobilizes the b...
The spleen is the largest secondary immune organ in the body and is responsible for initiating immun...
The spleen can exert different functions: hematopoiesis, immune response, blood filtration, and bloo...
The predominant red pulp contains many erythrocytes, which give it the reddish color. Extensions of ...
Tn order to study three-dimensional fine architecture of the red pulp, especially the relationships ...
Stain: Azan. The spleen is covered by a capsule (1) of dense connective tissue and elastic fibers. T...
Since the time of Hippocrates, it is believed that the spleen in the human body has a number of impo...
Background: Twenty-five spleens of adult, healthy dromedary of the local breed from the region of El...
The marginal zone, white pulp and red pulp of rat and human spleen were studied by scanning electron...
Stain: Azan. The blood flow in the spleen goes from splenic artery to trabecular artery to central o...
Department of Anatomy, Nicolae Testemitsanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy Chisinau, the...
Spleen: A. general diagram; B. adult; C. senium 1. capsule of dense irregular connective tissu...
Journals, scientific conference proceedings, and other sources of information have been studied to g...
Journals, scientific conference proceedings, and other sources of information have been studied to g...
1. In studies of birds and their pathogens, spleen size has frequently been used to make inferences ...
The spleen is an organ that not only effectively uses its own immune cells, but also mobilizes the b...
The spleen is the largest secondary immune organ in the body and is responsible for initiating immun...
The spleen can exert different functions: hematopoiesis, immune response, blood filtration, and bloo...
The predominant red pulp contains many erythrocytes, which give it the reddish color. Extensions of ...
Tn order to study three-dimensional fine architecture of the red pulp, especially the relationships ...
Stain: Azan. The spleen is covered by a capsule (1) of dense connective tissue and elastic fibers. T...
Since the time of Hippocrates, it is believed that the spleen in the human body has a number of impo...
Background: Twenty-five spleens of adult, healthy dromedary of the local breed from the region of El...
The marginal zone, white pulp and red pulp of rat and human spleen were studied by scanning electron...
Stain: Azan. The blood flow in the spleen goes from splenic artery to trabecular artery to central o...
Department of Anatomy, Nicolae Testemitsanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy Chisinau, the...
Spleen: A. general diagram; B. adult; C. senium 1. capsule of dense irregular connective tissu...
Journals, scientific conference proceedings, and other sources of information have been studied to g...
Journals, scientific conference proceedings, and other sources of information have been studied to g...
1. In studies of birds and their pathogens, spleen size has frequently been used to make inferences ...