As a type of gate that is used to control the water level upstream, sluice gate is the gate with simple shape and outstanding ability to flush the sediment. The operation of the gate is considered an important process. The up and down movement of the gate would affect the velocity and cause local scour as the result of fluctuating rate. This research aims to assess the effects of discharge and gate-opening height variations, as well as the type of bedchannel material, on the change of depth of scour (ds). The research was conducted of open channel flow model with a sluice gate able to up and down movement. The discharges used in the research were 9 types ranging from 1.0 to 5.0 dm3·s−1. There were 5 variations in the height of gate-opening ...
The current research work presents laboratory experimental results on local scour around vertical-wa...
Grade control structures are used to prevent from excessive channel-bed degradation, but the erosive...
Few research were done on gradual channel experiment. In this experiment, the study of local scour w...
As a type of gate that is used to control the water level upstream, sluice gate is the gate with sim...
Scour has been a problem associated with the operation of hydraulic structures since their debut in ...
Sluice gates are utilized in dams and irrigation channels as regulating structures in the channel ha...
AbstractThis paper is focused on local scour downstream of adverse stilling basins where a submerged...
This paper is focused on local scour downstream of adverse stilling basins where a submerged wall je...
In this research, a study was conducted experimentally to investigate the scour hole dimensions down...
Sluice gate operation is necessary to keep the continuity the design discharge. The mis-operation of...
The upward seepage through the bed sediment downstream of an apron of a sluice gate structure is a c...
Many studies have been done on local scouring located downstream of sluice gates and submerged weir....
A hydraulic structures in flow (intakes, abutments, spurs, guide banks) damage because of scour at...
In this study, temporal variation of local scour occurring at the downstream part of the stepped cha...
In this research, a study was conducted experimentally to investigate the scour hole dimensions down...
The current research work presents laboratory experimental results on local scour around vertical-wa...
Grade control structures are used to prevent from excessive channel-bed degradation, but the erosive...
Few research were done on gradual channel experiment. In this experiment, the study of local scour w...
As a type of gate that is used to control the water level upstream, sluice gate is the gate with sim...
Scour has been a problem associated with the operation of hydraulic structures since their debut in ...
Sluice gates are utilized in dams and irrigation channels as regulating structures in the channel ha...
AbstractThis paper is focused on local scour downstream of adverse stilling basins where a submerged...
This paper is focused on local scour downstream of adverse stilling basins where a submerged wall je...
In this research, a study was conducted experimentally to investigate the scour hole dimensions down...
Sluice gate operation is necessary to keep the continuity the design discharge. The mis-operation of...
The upward seepage through the bed sediment downstream of an apron of a sluice gate structure is a c...
Many studies have been done on local scouring located downstream of sluice gates and submerged weir....
A hydraulic structures in flow (intakes, abutments, spurs, guide banks) damage because of scour at...
In this study, temporal variation of local scour occurring at the downstream part of the stepped cha...
In this research, a study was conducted experimentally to investigate the scour hole dimensions down...
The current research work presents laboratory experimental results on local scour around vertical-wa...
Grade control structures are used to prevent from excessive channel-bed degradation, but the erosive...
Few research were done on gradual channel experiment. In this experiment, the study of local scour w...