Strelitzia juncea in good flower. The species grows naturally in the bushveld sector of Port Elizabeth and Uitenhage districts, not along the coast
Gladiolus guenzii in flower and seed in pure sand of the dunes. This species is especially plentiful...
General scene of the wild flowers. This reserve does not limit itself to local wild plants. Showy sp...
An exceptionally fine Chrysanthemoides monilifera (bitou) plant with, in front, a full-flowering Dro...
Strelitzia juncea in good flower. The species grows naturally in the bushveld sector of Port Elizabe...
In natural vegetation in front of café. Eight seed-heads of Boophone disticha, some of which had flo...
Cape Weed Arctotheca calendula in full flower on lawns. A good season shows like this all over the P...
Encephalartos altensteinii plants (left hand one with at least three cones) at the base of one Encep...
Two clusters of Strelitzia juncea on kop. Western kop in distance, showing heavy quarring on souther...
Probably two plants of Gasteria acinacifolia growing within a taller herb among lesser growth on dun...
Erica chloroloma , good specimen in a good season. Normally plants are smaller & less floriferous
Boophone disticha in garden pot. First flowering after being saved from vandalism near The Willows, ...
Three fine plants of Gasteria acinacifolia on the wild open area at the cliff-edge in front of the h...
Daisies of Ursinia anthramoides scattered over grassy lawns. A good season after a good winter
A fine patch of Drosanthemum vygie in full flower below a flowering Acacia longifolia tree backed by...
Helen Vanderplank with Maltese Cross Lilies grown from seed when plants cast out at roadside, abando...
Gladiolus guenzii in flower and seed in pure sand of the dunes. This species is especially plentiful...
General scene of the wild flowers. This reserve does not limit itself to local wild plants. Showy sp...
An exceptionally fine Chrysanthemoides monilifera (bitou) plant with, in front, a full-flowering Dro...
Strelitzia juncea in good flower. The species grows naturally in the bushveld sector of Port Elizabe...
In natural vegetation in front of café. Eight seed-heads of Boophone disticha, some of which had flo...
Cape Weed Arctotheca calendula in full flower on lawns. A good season shows like this all over the P...
Encephalartos altensteinii plants (left hand one with at least three cones) at the base of one Encep...
Two clusters of Strelitzia juncea on kop. Western kop in distance, showing heavy quarring on souther...
Probably two plants of Gasteria acinacifolia growing within a taller herb among lesser growth on dun...
Erica chloroloma , good specimen in a good season. Normally plants are smaller & less floriferous
Boophone disticha in garden pot. First flowering after being saved from vandalism near The Willows, ...
Three fine plants of Gasteria acinacifolia on the wild open area at the cliff-edge in front of the h...
Daisies of Ursinia anthramoides scattered over grassy lawns. A good season after a good winter
A fine patch of Drosanthemum vygie in full flower below a flowering Acacia longifolia tree backed by...
Helen Vanderplank with Maltese Cross Lilies grown from seed when plants cast out at roadside, abando...
Gladiolus guenzii in flower and seed in pure sand of the dunes. This species is especially plentiful...
General scene of the wild flowers. This reserve does not limit itself to local wild plants. Showy sp...
An exceptionally fine Chrysanthemoides monilifera (bitou) plant with, in front, a full-flowering Dro...