The bachelor thesis paper carries a name „Common man possibilities for self-assertiveness in communication with media” and is made to find out with qualitative method common man opportunities to use media accountability instruments while being in conflict with journalism. To keep the paper in required capacity, the research has involved only instruments what are nonjudicial. The paper includes overview of three stages of handling the journalistic information and when, where and how to use different media accountability instruments in different stages. Through the research, the concentration stays on a conflict between journalism and common man. The theoretical part of the thesis gives an overview of media accountability instruments publish...
In this article I will focus on how the situation of storytelling influences the nature of stories b...
The theme of my bachelor thesis: The role of public relations in Tallink emission campaign Next I ...
Kokkuvõte. Artiklis analüüsitakse eesti-prantsuse paralleelkorpuse ( põhjal, kuidas ja...
The bachelor’s thesis gives an overview of writing a biography, placing it into context and interp...
This thesis is aimed at providing an overview of the development and current situation of the count...
Küsimused on lahutamatu osa meie igapäevaelust. Esitame küsimusi enamjaolt seepärast, et täiendada p...
Erinevate häälikute laad meie igapäevases kõnes varieerub tugevalt, kuid häälduse varieeruvus ei ole...
Korkeakoulutus sanomalehden kielipeleissä Vuosi 2007 voidaan nähdä ajankohdaksi, jolloin oltiin k...
The keywords in analyses of digital literature and cybertexts (literature that has been created by a...
When talking about public relations, the theorists and practicians of public relations (Grunig 199...
Kokkuvõte. Siinses artiklis vaatleme modaalverbide ja neile funktsionaalselt lähedaste väljendite ka...
Oma algses mitmetähenduslikkuses on see F. Baconi aforism kõige tihendatum tõdemus, mis tõmbab olemu...
The main conclusion of this bachelor’s thesis is that the front page topic of a tabloid newspaper u...
Kokkuvõte. Artiklis vaadeldakse eesti keele modaalverbi pidama episteemilisi kasutusi võrdluses pran...
Laskevien levikkien ja yleisön heikentyvän luottamuksen kanssa kamppailevan päivälehtijournalismin o...
In this article I will focus on how the situation of storytelling influences the nature of stories b...
The theme of my bachelor thesis: The role of public relations in Tallink emission campaign Next I ...
Kokkuvõte. Artiklis analüüsitakse eesti-prantsuse paralleelkorpuse ( põhjal, kuidas ja...
The bachelor’s thesis gives an overview of writing a biography, placing it into context and interp...
This thesis is aimed at providing an overview of the development and current situation of the count...
Küsimused on lahutamatu osa meie igapäevaelust. Esitame küsimusi enamjaolt seepärast, et täiendada p...
Erinevate häälikute laad meie igapäevases kõnes varieerub tugevalt, kuid häälduse varieeruvus ei ole...
Korkeakoulutus sanomalehden kielipeleissä Vuosi 2007 voidaan nähdä ajankohdaksi, jolloin oltiin k...
The keywords in analyses of digital literature and cybertexts (literature that has been created by a...
When talking about public relations, the theorists and practicians of public relations (Grunig 199...
Kokkuvõte. Siinses artiklis vaatleme modaalverbide ja neile funktsionaalselt lähedaste väljendite ka...
Oma algses mitmetähenduslikkuses on see F. Baconi aforism kõige tihendatum tõdemus, mis tõmbab olemu...
The main conclusion of this bachelor’s thesis is that the front page topic of a tabloid newspaper u...
Kokkuvõte. Artiklis vaadeldakse eesti keele modaalverbi pidama episteemilisi kasutusi võrdluses pran...
Laskevien levikkien ja yleisön heikentyvän luottamuksen kanssa kamppailevan päivälehtijournalismin o...
In this article I will focus on how the situation of storytelling influences the nature of stories b...
The theme of my bachelor thesis: The role of public relations in Tallink emission campaign Next I ...
Kokkuvõte. Artiklis analüüsitakse eesti-prantsuse paralleelkorpuse ( põhjal, kuidas ja...