Figure 8 - Male genitalia of Nemoleontini, complex of gonocoxites 9 + gonocoxites 11 sensu Aspöck and H. Aspöck (2008) (=gonarcus-parameres complex sensu H. Aspöck et al. 1980). A–B Gymnocnemia variegata [Greece, Corfu], A apex of abdomen, ventral view, B gx 9 + gx 11, lateral view; C–D Megistopus lucasi [Italy, Sardinia], C apex of abdomen, ventral view, D gx 9 + gx 11, lateral view; E–F Megistopus flavicornis [France, Gard], gx 9 + gx 11, E ventral view, F lateral view; G Nedroledon iranensis (Hölzel, 1972) [Iran], apex of abdomen, ventral view; H Nemoleon notatus [Italy, Sardinia], apex of abdomen, ventral view. Abbreviations: ect – ectoproct, gx9 – gonocoxite 9, gx11 – gonocoxite 11, S9 – sternite 9
Figures 68–72. Purenleon cavei Miller and Stange, adult. 68) head and thorax; 69) lateral view; 70) ...
FIGURE 8. Lectotype of Myrmeleon lagopus in coll. EMAU (Photo: Peter Michalik)Published as part of K...
FIGURE 4. Nemoleon ghoshi sp. nov. A—Male terminalia, in lateral view; B—The same, in ventral view; ...
Figure 9 - Female genitalia of Gymnocnemia. A–B Gymnocnemia variegata [Greece, Corfu], ...
Figure 4 - Wings of Gymnocnemia and Megistopus. A Gymnocnemia mirabilis [Oman, Jaba...
Figure 6 - Gymnocnemia spp., holotypes, dorsal view. A Gymnocnem...
Figure 2 - Head and pronotum of Gymnocnemia and Megistopus, dorsal view. A–C Gymnoc...
FIGURE 8. Nemoleon madayiensis sp. nov. A—Male terminalia and genitalia, in lateral view; B—The same...
Figure 5 - Base of fore- and hindwing of Megistopus, showing diagnostic wing charac...
Fig. 9. Myrmeleon tenuipennis Rambur, 1842. A. Female genitalia, lateral view. B. Same, ventral view...
FIGURE 8. Climaciella rafaeli n. sp.: a, male genitalia, dorsolateral view; b, same, ventral view; c...
FIGURE 7. Nemoleon madayiensis sp. nov. A—Head in frontal view; B—Head and thorax in dorsal view, C—...
FIGURE 86. Glenoleon osmyloides: male: a) terminalia, lateral; b) genitalia, lateral; c) genitalia, ...
Figure 5-9. Stangeleon longipalpus Miller. 5) Front view of head of female. 6) Hind tarsus. 7) Poste...
FIGURE 113. Megagonoleon nigrescens: a) head, anterior; b) head and thorax, dorsal; c) wings, dorsal...
Figures 68–72. Purenleon cavei Miller and Stange, adult. 68) head and thorax; 69) lateral view; 70) ...
FIGURE 8. Lectotype of Myrmeleon lagopus in coll. EMAU (Photo: Peter Michalik)Published as part of K...
FIGURE 4. Nemoleon ghoshi sp. nov. A—Male terminalia, in lateral view; B—The same, in ventral view; ...
Figure 9 - Female genitalia of Gymnocnemia. A–B Gymnocnemia variegata [Greece, Corfu], ...
Figure 4 - Wings of Gymnocnemia and Megistopus. A Gymnocnemia mirabilis [Oman, Jaba...
Figure 6 - Gymnocnemia spp., holotypes, dorsal view. A Gymnocnem...
Figure 2 - Head and pronotum of Gymnocnemia and Megistopus, dorsal view. A–C Gymnoc...
FIGURE 8. Nemoleon madayiensis sp. nov. A—Male terminalia and genitalia, in lateral view; B—The same...
Figure 5 - Base of fore- and hindwing of Megistopus, showing diagnostic wing charac...
Fig. 9. Myrmeleon tenuipennis Rambur, 1842. A. Female genitalia, lateral view. B. Same, ventral view...
FIGURE 8. Climaciella rafaeli n. sp.: a, male genitalia, dorsolateral view; b, same, ventral view; c...
FIGURE 7. Nemoleon madayiensis sp. nov. A—Head in frontal view; B—Head and thorax in dorsal view, C—...
FIGURE 86. Glenoleon osmyloides: male: a) terminalia, lateral; b) genitalia, lateral; c) genitalia, ...
Figure 5-9. Stangeleon longipalpus Miller. 5) Front view of head of female. 6) Hind tarsus. 7) Poste...
FIGURE 113. Megagonoleon nigrescens: a) head, anterior; b) head and thorax, dorsal; c) wings, dorsal...
Figures 68–72. Purenleon cavei Miller and Stange, adult. 68) head and thorax; 69) lateral view; 70) ...
FIGURE 8. Lectotype of Myrmeleon lagopus in coll. EMAU (Photo: Peter Michalik)Published as part of K...
FIGURE 4. Nemoleon ghoshi sp. nov. A—Male terminalia, in lateral view; B—The same, in ventral view; ...