Figure 12 - Maxilla of Echinodon becklesii from the Lower Cretaceous Purbeck Formation of England. Right maxilla in lateral view (NHMUK 48211). Lithograph (A) and line drawing (B) from Owen (1861). Stereopair (C) and line drawing (D). Hatching indicates broken bone; dashed lines indicate estimated edges. Scale bars equal 5 mm. Abbreviations: adi arched diastema am articular surface for the maxilla antfe antorbital fenestra be buccal emargination fo foramen j jugal m1, 2, 7 maxillary tooth 1, 2, 7 pl palatine ppf postpalatine foramen rm rim
Figure 33. Heterodontosaurus tucki. SAM-PK-K1334 (referred specimen). Isolated teeth, extracted from...
Figure 61 - Jaw joints of Heterodontosaurus tucki from the Lower Jurassic Upper Elliot and Clarens f...
Figure 12. Gryposaurus monumentensis gen. et sp. nov. (RAM 6797) right quadrate: A, lateral view; B,...
Figure 12. Hypselospinus cf. fittoni (Iguanodon hollingtoniensis holotype). NHMUK R1148. A, B, dorsa...
Figure 2 - Early heterodontosaurid discoveries. A Lithographic drawing of the right and left premaxi...
Figure 82 - Partial skull of the heterodontosaurid Pegomastax africanus gen. n. sp. n. from the Lowe...
Figure 12 continued—Two isolated teeth ascribed to Nanotyrannus, uncatalogued, Corson Co., South Dak...
Figure 32. Heterodontosaurus tucki. SAM-PK-K1334 (referred specimen). Medial view of the alveolar wa...
Figure 8 - Skeletal remains of Manidens condorensis from the Middle Jurassic Cañadón Asfalto Formati...
Figure 12. Eocursor parvus, holotype (SAM-PK-K8025). A, block containing elements of the manus in do...
FIGURE 12. Morphology of d1 in Tyrannosaurus rex. A, first dentary teeth of AMNH 5027 in labial view...
FIGURE 12. Photographs of the braincase of Shaochilong maortuensis (IVPP V2885.1) in right lateral o...
Figure 6 - Cranial remains of Pisanosaurus mertii from the Upper Triassic Ischigualasto Formation of...
Figure 12. Haldanodon exspectatus, Gui Mam 47/75. Right femur in: A, anterior (= dorsal); B, medial;...
Figure 13 - A–D 'Pterodactylus' daviesii, holotype NHMUK PV 43074 (Albian, Gault Clay Formation), an...
Figure 33. Heterodontosaurus tucki. SAM-PK-K1334 (referred specimen). Isolated teeth, extracted from...
Figure 61 - Jaw joints of Heterodontosaurus tucki from the Lower Jurassic Upper Elliot and Clarens f...
Figure 12. Gryposaurus monumentensis gen. et sp. nov. (RAM 6797) right quadrate: A, lateral view; B,...
Figure 12. Hypselospinus cf. fittoni (Iguanodon hollingtoniensis holotype). NHMUK R1148. A, B, dorsa...
Figure 2 - Early heterodontosaurid discoveries. A Lithographic drawing of the right and left premaxi...
Figure 82 - Partial skull of the heterodontosaurid Pegomastax africanus gen. n. sp. n. from the Lowe...
Figure 12 continued—Two isolated teeth ascribed to Nanotyrannus, uncatalogued, Corson Co., South Dak...
Figure 32. Heterodontosaurus tucki. SAM-PK-K1334 (referred specimen). Medial view of the alveolar wa...
Figure 8 - Skeletal remains of Manidens condorensis from the Middle Jurassic Cañadón Asfalto Formati...
Figure 12. Eocursor parvus, holotype (SAM-PK-K8025). A, block containing elements of the manus in do...
FIGURE 12. Morphology of d1 in Tyrannosaurus rex. A, first dentary teeth of AMNH 5027 in labial view...
FIGURE 12. Photographs of the braincase of Shaochilong maortuensis (IVPP V2885.1) in right lateral o...
Figure 6 - Cranial remains of Pisanosaurus mertii from the Upper Triassic Ischigualasto Formation of...
Figure 12. Haldanodon exspectatus, Gui Mam 47/75. Right femur in: A, anterior (= dorsal); B, medial;...
Figure 13 - A–D 'Pterodactylus' daviesii, holotype NHMUK PV 43074 (Albian, Gault Clay Formation), an...
Figure 33. Heterodontosaurus tucki. SAM-PK-K1334 (referred specimen). Isolated teeth, extracted from...
Figure 61 - Jaw joints of Heterodontosaurus tucki from the Lower Jurassic Upper Elliot and Clarens f...
Figure 12. Gryposaurus monumentensis gen. et sp. nov. (RAM 6797) right quadrate: A, lateral view; B,...