Figure 92 - A–F, Stegodyphus sarasinorum, scanning electron micrographs of female from 7.5 km E PwintPhyu, Magway Division, Myanmar (CASENT 9019370, CAS). A tarsal organ indicated by arrow, left leg I B trichobothrium, left metatarsus I C tarsal claws, left legI retrolateral view D calamistrum, left metatarsus IV E detail of calamistrum setae F left female palp, retrolateral view
Figure 61 - A–F Gandanameno sp. from Hanover, South Africa (SAM 9465, SAM), scanning electron microg...
Figure 47 - A–P Gandanameno sp., habitus, photomicrographs. A–D male from Harare, Zimbabwe (AcAT 200...
Figure 54 - A–F Gandanameno sp., sternum of female, scanning electron micrographs A, C, E overview o...
Figure 93 - A–F, Stegodyphus sarasinorum from 7.5 km E PwintPhyu, Magway Division, Myanmar (CASENT 9...
Figure 82 - A–F female Stegodyphus lineatus from Belkis, near Birecor, Turkey (MR015, MR), scanning ...
Figure 46 - A–F Eresus kollari from Srbsko, Czechia (MR016, MR), scanning electron micrographs of fe...
Figure 81 - A–F Female Stegodyphus lineatus from Belkis, near Birecor, Turkey (MR015, MR), scanning ...
Figure 62 - A–J Loureedia annulipes. A, B, D I, J male from Haluqim Ridge, Israel (MR008, HUJ) C mal...
FIGURE 92. Erigone prominens B̂senberg & Strand, 1906. A, B Epigyne, ventral view C Vulva, dorsal vi...
Figure 69 - A–H Paradonea variegata. A–C, G–H male from Breekkierie Dunes, Northern Cape, South Afri...
Figure 57 - A–F Gandanameno sp. from Iringa, Tanzania (ZMUC 19970530, ZMUC), scanning electron micro...
Figure 68 - A–J males of Paradonea striatipes and Paradonea splendens. A–C, G, H Paradonea striatipe...
Figure 77 A-F - Figure 77. A–F Seothyra henscheli from Kuiseb River, Gobabeb, Namibia (SMN 46627, NM...
Figure 37 - A–F Dresserus sp., scanning electron micrographs. A, C female from Mazumbai, Tanzania (C...
Figure 39 - A–F Dresserus sp., male from Mazumbai, Tanzania (CASENT 9025747, CAS), scanning electron...
Figure 61 - A–F Gandanameno sp. from Hanover, South Africa (SAM 9465, SAM), scanning electron microg...
Figure 47 - A–P Gandanameno sp., habitus, photomicrographs. A–D male from Harare, Zimbabwe (AcAT 200...
Figure 54 - A–F Gandanameno sp., sternum of female, scanning electron micrographs A, C, E overview o...
Figure 93 - A–F, Stegodyphus sarasinorum from 7.5 km E PwintPhyu, Magway Division, Myanmar (CASENT 9...
Figure 82 - A–F female Stegodyphus lineatus from Belkis, near Birecor, Turkey (MR015, MR), scanning ...
Figure 46 - A–F Eresus kollari from Srbsko, Czechia (MR016, MR), scanning electron micrographs of fe...
Figure 81 - A–F Female Stegodyphus lineatus from Belkis, near Birecor, Turkey (MR015, MR), scanning ...
Figure 62 - A–J Loureedia annulipes. A, B, D I, J male from Haluqim Ridge, Israel (MR008, HUJ) C mal...
FIGURE 92. Erigone prominens B̂senberg & Strand, 1906. A, B Epigyne, ventral view C Vulva, dorsal vi...
Figure 69 - A–H Paradonea variegata. A–C, G–H male from Breekkierie Dunes, Northern Cape, South Afri...
Figure 57 - A–F Gandanameno sp. from Iringa, Tanzania (ZMUC 19970530, ZMUC), scanning electron micro...
Figure 68 - A–J males of Paradonea striatipes and Paradonea splendens. A–C, G, H Paradonea striatipe...
Figure 77 A-F - Figure 77. A–F Seothyra henscheli from Kuiseb River, Gobabeb, Namibia (SMN 46627, NM...
Figure 37 - A–F Dresserus sp., scanning electron micrographs. A, C female from Mazumbai, Tanzania (C...
Figure 39 - A–F Dresserus sp., male from Mazumbai, Tanzania (CASENT 9025747, CAS), scanning electron...
Figure 61 - A–F Gandanameno sp. from Hanover, South Africa (SAM 9465, SAM), scanning electron microg...
Figure 47 - A–P Gandanameno sp., habitus, photomicrographs. A–D male from Harare, Zimbabwe (AcAT 200...
Figure 54 - A–F Gandanameno sp., sternum of female, scanning electron micrographs A, C, E overview o...