FIGURE 14. Lispe flavicornis Stein, 1909 in Review of the Lispe caesia - group (Diptera: Muscidae) from Palaearctic and adjacent regions, with redescriptions and one new synonymy

  • Zhang, Dong
  • Ge, Ying-Qiang
  • Li, Xin-Yu
  • Liu, Xian-Hui
  • Zhang, Ming
  • Wang, Rong-Rong
Publication date
December 2016


FIGURE 14. Lispe flavicornis Stein, 1909. Male, from Guangdong, China [in MBFU]. A, habitus, lateral view. B, head, lateral view. C, head, anterolateral view. D, head, anterior view. E, abdomen, dorsal view. Scale bars: A = 2.00 mm, B – D = 0.50 mm, E = 1.00 mm

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