FIGURES 20 – 26. Cladiopsocus nebulosus n in Descriptions and records of Cladiopsocidae and Dolabellopsocidae (Insecta: Psocodea: ' Psocoptera') from Valle del Cauca and National Natural Park Gorgona, Colombia

  • Calderón-Martínez, Nadia R.
  • González-Obando, Ranulfo
  • García Aldrete, Alfonso N.
Publication date
December 2014


FIGURES 20 – 26. Cladiopsocus nebulosus n. sp. Female. 20. Forewing. 21. Hindwing. 22. Front view of head. 23. Subgenital plate. 24. Gonapophyses and ninth sternum. 25. Paraproct. 26. Epiproct. Scales in mm

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