FIGURES 1 – 8. Comefulvius chingonus: 1, 3, 5, 7. Male holotype from Argentina. 2, 4, 6, 8: Male from Ecuador. 1 – 2. Habitus in dorsal view. Scale = 1 mm. 3 – 4. Head in dorsal view. 5 – 6. Pronotum in dorsal view. 7 – 8. Body in lateral view. Scales = 0.1 mm
Une liste actualisée des Cylapinae d'Argentine et du Chili est fournie. Fulvius vicosensis Ferreira ...
FIGURES 12–19. Miridae: 12 Cyrtotylus wygodzinskyi Carvalho (♀); 13 Orthotylus flavosparsus (Sahlber...
Figures 39-40 Live female adults of Fulviusbifenestratus (39) and F.subnitens (40) captured using UV...
Comefulvius chingonus Carvalho & Carpintero, the only representative of the genus Comefulvius, previ...
FIGURES 1–8. Dorsal (1–6) and lateral (7–8) views of the species of Fulvidius: 1, 7. F. lineolatus (...
FIGURES 80 – 89. Male genitalia of C. simplex (80 – 84) and C. sulinus (85 – 89). 80, 85. Endosoma (...
Figures 1-9 Dorsal habitus photographs of bifenestratus group of species of the genus Fulvius:
Figures 14-26 Male genitalia of F.bifenestratus (14–16), F.henryi (17–19), F.flavicornis (20, 21), F...
FIGURES 33–39. Frontal view of head (33–36), structure of pronotum (37–38), and scutellum (39). 33, ...
FIGURES 40–49. Male genitalia of C. cucullatus (40–44) and C. fulvus (45–49). 40, 45. Endosoma (dors...
FIGURES 1–12. Dorsal habitus photographs of the species of Cylapocoris. 1. C. castaneus (holotype); ...
FIGURES 1–8. Habitus of ACMc members: 1. Adelphocoridea brunnea Poppius, 1912, male from Madagascar ...
FIGURES 34–37. Male genitalia of Rewafulvius brachypterus: 34. Endosoma (dorsolateral view); 35–36. ...
FIGURES 34 – 37. Male genitalia of Rewafulvius brachypterus: 34. Endosoma (dorsolateral view); 35 – ...
FIGURES 59–61. Male genitalia of Poppiocapsidea biseratensis (Distant, 1903): 59. Apex of left param...
Une liste actualisée des Cylapinae d'Argentine et du Chili est fournie. Fulvius vicosensis Ferreira ...
FIGURES 12–19. Miridae: 12 Cyrtotylus wygodzinskyi Carvalho (♀); 13 Orthotylus flavosparsus (Sahlber...
Figures 39-40 Live female adults of Fulviusbifenestratus (39) and F.subnitens (40) captured using UV...
Comefulvius chingonus Carvalho & Carpintero, the only representative of the genus Comefulvius, previ...
FIGURES 1–8. Dorsal (1–6) and lateral (7–8) views of the species of Fulvidius: 1, 7. F. lineolatus (...
FIGURES 80 – 89. Male genitalia of C. simplex (80 – 84) and C. sulinus (85 – 89). 80, 85. Endosoma (...
Figures 1-9 Dorsal habitus photographs of bifenestratus group of species of the genus Fulvius:
Figures 14-26 Male genitalia of F.bifenestratus (14–16), F.henryi (17–19), F.flavicornis (20, 21), F...
FIGURES 33–39. Frontal view of head (33–36), structure of pronotum (37–38), and scutellum (39). 33, ...
FIGURES 40–49. Male genitalia of C. cucullatus (40–44) and C. fulvus (45–49). 40, 45. Endosoma (dors...
FIGURES 1–12. Dorsal habitus photographs of the species of Cylapocoris. 1. C. castaneus (holotype); ...
FIGURES 1–8. Habitus of ACMc members: 1. Adelphocoridea brunnea Poppius, 1912, male from Madagascar ...
FIGURES 34–37. Male genitalia of Rewafulvius brachypterus: 34. Endosoma (dorsolateral view); 35–36. ...
FIGURES 34 – 37. Male genitalia of Rewafulvius brachypterus: 34. Endosoma (dorsolateral view); 35 – ...
FIGURES 59–61. Male genitalia of Poppiocapsidea biseratensis (Distant, 1903): 59. Apex of left param...
Une liste actualisée des Cylapinae d'Argentine et du Chili est fournie. Fulvius vicosensis Ferreira ...
FIGURES 12–19. Miridae: 12 Cyrtotylus wygodzinskyi Carvalho (♀); 13 Orthotylus flavosparsus (Sahlber...
Figures 39-40 Live female adults of Fulviusbifenestratus (39) and F.subnitens (40) captured using UV...