FIGURE 4. Pyrgopsella youngi, trophi. A. Labrum with overlying palps. B. Maxillae. C. Mandible. D. Maxillule. E. Half of labrum. Scale bars: A–D = 500 µm; E = 200 µm
FIGURE 4. Base view of Pyrgoma spurtuncata sp. nov.. A, E and F are specimen MNHN-IU-2014-23572 (Hol...
FIGURE 6. Tarasovium orientale. A. Maxilla, B. Maxillule, C. Mandible, D. Mandibular palp, E. Cirrus...
FIGURE 1. Amigdoscalpellum torbenwolffi Zevina, 1981. A. Left side view, B. External view from rostr...
FIGURE 4. Pyrgopsella youngi, trophi. A. Labrum with overlying palps. B. Maxillae. C. Mandible. D. M...
FIGURE 5. Pyrgopsella youngi, cirri. A–D. Cirri I to IV, respectively. Scale bars = 250 µm.Published...
FIGURE 3. Pyrgopsella youngi. A. Shell wall of a specimen and its vestigial basis attached to the se...
FIGURE 6. Pyrgopsella youngi, details. A. Cirri VI and penis. B. Articles of cirrus IV. C. Tip of pe...
FIGURE 2. Pyrgopsella youngi, shell wall and opercular valves of holotype (RMNH C. 2602). A. Shell w...
FIGURE 7. Pyrgospongia stellula, SEM micrographs of paratypes, USNM 141633. A. Shell with chitinous ...
FIGURE 1. A. Symphyllia radians, the host coral of Pyrgopsella youngi; ~15 barnacles were removed fr...
FIGURE 5. Balanodytes taiwanus Utinomi, 1950, mouth parts of female. (A) Maxillae. (B) Mandible. (C)...
Figure 4 - Bryozobia rossi sp. n. CEL-SJP5-1. Complete shell, scuta and ...
FIGURE 3. Glyptelasma gigas. A. Maxilla, B. Maxillule, C. Mandible, D. Mandibular palp, E. Labrum, F...
FIGURE 29. Acasta sulcata. Cirri V (A ̅ D), VI (E ̅ G) and penis (H ̅ J) (ASIZCR 000369). A, Cirrus ...
Figure 4 - Conopea saotomensis sp. n. Mouth parts. A labrum (CASIZ174805) B mandibular palp (CASIZ17...
FIGURE 4. Base view of Pyrgoma spurtuncata sp. nov.. A, E and F are specimen MNHN-IU-2014-23572 (Hol...
FIGURE 6. Tarasovium orientale. A. Maxilla, B. Maxillule, C. Mandible, D. Mandibular palp, E. Cirrus...
FIGURE 1. Amigdoscalpellum torbenwolffi Zevina, 1981. A. Left side view, B. External view from rostr...
FIGURE 4. Pyrgopsella youngi, trophi. A. Labrum with overlying palps. B. Maxillae. C. Mandible. D. M...
FIGURE 5. Pyrgopsella youngi, cirri. A–D. Cirri I to IV, respectively. Scale bars = 250 µm.Published...
FIGURE 3. Pyrgopsella youngi. A. Shell wall of a specimen and its vestigial basis attached to the se...
FIGURE 6. Pyrgopsella youngi, details. A. Cirri VI and penis. B. Articles of cirrus IV. C. Tip of pe...
FIGURE 2. Pyrgopsella youngi, shell wall and opercular valves of holotype (RMNH C. 2602). A. Shell w...
FIGURE 7. Pyrgospongia stellula, SEM micrographs of paratypes, USNM 141633. A. Shell with chitinous ...
FIGURE 1. A. Symphyllia radians, the host coral of Pyrgopsella youngi; ~15 barnacles were removed fr...
FIGURE 5. Balanodytes taiwanus Utinomi, 1950, mouth parts of female. (A) Maxillae. (B) Mandible. (C)...
Figure 4 - Bryozobia rossi sp. n. CEL-SJP5-1. Complete shell, scuta and ...
FIGURE 3. Glyptelasma gigas. A. Maxilla, B. Maxillule, C. Mandible, D. Mandibular palp, E. Labrum, F...
FIGURE 29. Acasta sulcata. Cirri V (A ̅ D), VI (E ̅ G) and penis (H ̅ J) (ASIZCR 000369). A, Cirrus ...
Figure 4 - Conopea saotomensis sp. n. Mouth parts. A labrum (CASIZ174805) B mandibular palp (CASIZ17...
FIGURE 4. Base view of Pyrgoma spurtuncata sp. nov.. A, E and F are specimen MNHN-IU-2014-23572 (Hol...
FIGURE 6. Tarasovium orientale. A. Maxilla, B. Maxillule, C. Mandible, D. Mandibular palp, E. Cirrus...
FIGURE 1. Amigdoscalpellum torbenwolffi Zevina, 1981. A. Left side view, B. External view from rostr...