Romanelli, Mariela V., Tablado, Alejandro (2011): Leptychaster kerguelenensis (Echinodermata: Asteroidea) from Southwest Atlantic: Redescription and geographic distribution. Zootaxa 2971: 59-68, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.20153
Moreira, Juan, Esquete, Patricia, Cunha, Marina R. (2021): Leptostracans (Crustacea: Phyllocarida) f...
Alitto, Renata A. S., Bueno, Maristela L., Guilherme, Pablo D. B., Domenico, Maikon Di, Christensen,...
-Since the last survey of the distribution of the echinoderm fauna in the deep sea, worked out by MA...
The only two specimens of Leptychaster spp. reported from Southwest Atlantic, were determined as L. ...
FIGURE 1. Relationship between arm length (R) and disk radious (r). Empty square: Leptychaster kergu...
FIGURE 4. a) Abactinal plates top view. b) Abactinal plates lateral view. c) Superomarginal plates, ...
Cunha, Rosana, Tavares, Marcos, Jr, Joel Braga De Mendonça (2020): Asteroidea (Echinodermata) from s...
Echinoderms are often of ecological importance in intertidal and subtidal waters, especially as pred...
Slivak, Nataly Nunes, Lindner, Alberto, Romanowski, Helena Picolli (2022): Echinoderms from Santa Ca...
Mah, Christopher L., Mercier, Annie, Hamel, Jean-Francois, Nizinski, Martha (2012): Range Extensions...
Figure 3. Some echinoderms species from Santa Catarina. (A) Echinaster (Othilia) brasiliensis (Xavie...
The present study is a first attempt to comparing the hydroid faunas of the various Zoogeographie ar...
Sixteen out of the seventeen species of shallow-water starfishes reported with certainty from Inhaca...
Abstract: Asteroidea (five species) and Ophiuroidea (18 species) recorded along the Uruguayan littor...
Three leptostracan species (Crustacea: Phyllocarida) are reported from mud volcanoes at the Moroccan...
Moreira, Juan, Esquete, Patricia, Cunha, Marina R. (2021): Leptostracans (Crustacea: Phyllocarida) f...
Alitto, Renata A. S., Bueno, Maristela L., Guilherme, Pablo D. B., Domenico, Maikon Di, Christensen,...
-Since the last survey of the distribution of the echinoderm fauna in the deep sea, worked out by MA...
The only two specimens of Leptychaster spp. reported from Southwest Atlantic, were determined as L. ...
FIGURE 1. Relationship between arm length (R) and disk radious (r). Empty square: Leptychaster kergu...
FIGURE 4. a) Abactinal plates top view. b) Abactinal plates lateral view. c) Superomarginal plates, ...
Cunha, Rosana, Tavares, Marcos, Jr, Joel Braga De Mendonça (2020): Asteroidea (Echinodermata) from s...
Echinoderms are often of ecological importance in intertidal and subtidal waters, especially as pred...
Slivak, Nataly Nunes, Lindner, Alberto, Romanowski, Helena Picolli (2022): Echinoderms from Santa Ca...
Mah, Christopher L., Mercier, Annie, Hamel, Jean-Francois, Nizinski, Martha (2012): Range Extensions...
Figure 3. Some echinoderms species from Santa Catarina. (A) Echinaster (Othilia) brasiliensis (Xavie...
The present study is a first attempt to comparing the hydroid faunas of the various Zoogeographie ar...
Sixteen out of the seventeen species of shallow-water starfishes reported with certainty from Inhaca...
Abstract: Asteroidea (five species) and Ophiuroidea (18 species) recorded along the Uruguayan littor...
Three leptostracan species (Crustacea: Phyllocarida) are reported from mud volcanoes at the Moroccan...
Moreira, Juan, Esquete, Patricia, Cunha, Marina R. (2021): Leptostracans (Crustacea: Phyllocarida) f...
Alitto, Renata A. S., Bueno, Maristela L., Guilherme, Pablo D. B., Domenico, Maikon Di, Christensen,...
-Since the last survey of the distribution of the echinoderm fauna in the deep sea, worked out by MA...