FIGURE 1: SEM. Lectotype male. A: complete view of the posterior end from the ventral side, cloacal opening (c) with circumcloacal spines, cuticle with short bristles (small arrow) and bristlefields anterolateral of the cloacal opening (large arrow), scale bar= 100 µm; B: general view of midbody cuticle, scale bar= 250 µm; C: midbody cuticle, areoles types 1–3, scale bar= 10 µm; D: lateral view of midbody cuticle, areoles types 1–5, scale bar= 25 µm; E: areolar clusters containing types 4 and 5 on lateral body, scale bar= 10 µm
Figure 14 - A–F. Chordodes cf. joyeuxi. A. Female posterior end with termina...
Figure 15 - Chordodes jelkae sp. n.; A–E from holotype (V10960I). A. Overvie...
FIGURE 1. Bolbolaimus major sp. nov. A. lateral view of male anterior region showing cuticle and amp...
FIGURE 1. Holotype of male Chordodes albibarbatus. (A) Tapering anterior end with a white cap, and n...
FIGURE 2. Chordodes moutoni, scanning electron micrographs. (A) Posterior end with terminal cloacal ...
FIGURE 2. Cuticular structures of male Chordodes albibarbatus. (A) NICM surface view of pair of crow...
FIGURE 4. Chordodes lasuboni, scanning electron micrographs. (A) Overview of dorsal side, showing th...
FIGURE 1. Gordionus lokaaus n. sp. (A) Male posterior end showing thin row of precloacal bristles an...
FIGURE 5. Chordodes lasuboni, scanning electron micrographs. (A) Overview of ventral mid-line with c...
Taxonomic characters of both male and female horse-hair worms Chordodes moutoni Camerano, 1895 (Nema...
Figure 7 - A, B. Cuticle (A) and posterior end (B) of Gordius undulatus (V55...
FIGURE 3. Chordodes cf. moutoni. A–C. Cuticular structure in three specimens showing crowned areole ...
Figure 9 - A–D. Beatogordius sp., cuticular pattern (A), detail of the cloac...
FIGURE 1. Gordius gonzalezi, n. sp., showing cuticular structure. A. Overview on the cuticle of the ...
FIGURE 1. Characters of the male posterior end in Gordius (all ventral sides). A. Tail lobes, postcl...
Figure 14 - A–F. Chordodes cf. joyeuxi. A. Female posterior end with termina...
Figure 15 - Chordodes jelkae sp. n.; A–E from holotype (V10960I). A. Overvie...
FIGURE 1. Bolbolaimus major sp. nov. A. lateral view of male anterior region showing cuticle and amp...
FIGURE 1. Holotype of male Chordodes albibarbatus. (A) Tapering anterior end with a white cap, and n...
FIGURE 2. Chordodes moutoni, scanning electron micrographs. (A) Posterior end with terminal cloacal ...
FIGURE 2. Cuticular structures of male Chordodes albibarbatus. (A) NICM surface view of pair of crow...
FIGURE 4. Chordodes lasuboni, scanning electron micrographs. (A) Overview of dorsal side, showing th...
FIGURE 1. Gordionus lokaaus n. sp. (A) Male posterior end showing thin row of precloacal bristles an...
FIGURE 5. Chordodes lasuboni, scanning electron micrographs. (A) Overview of ventral mid-line with c...
Taxonomic characters of both male and female horse-hair worms Chordodes moutoni Camerano, 1895 (Nema...
Figure 7 - A, B. Cuticle (A) and posterior end (B) of Gordius undulatus (V55...
FIGURE 3. Chordodes cf. moutoni. A–C. Cuticular structure in three specimens showing crowned areole ...
Figure 9 - A–D. Beatogordius sp., cuticular pattern (A), detail of the cloac...
FIGURE 1. Gordius gonzalezi, n. sp., showing cuticular structure. A. Overview on the cuticle of the ...
FIGURE 1. Characters of the male posterior end in Gordius (all ventral sides). A. Tail lobes, postcl...
Figure 14 - A–F. Chordodes cf. joyeuxi. A. Female posterior end with termina...
Figure 15 - Chordodes jelkae sp. n.; A–E from holotype (V10960I). A. Overvie...
FIGURE 1. Bolbolaimus major sp. nov. A. lateral view of male anterior region showing cuticle and amp...