FIGURE 1. Spionid adult morphology. Head and anterior segments, all in dorsal view with palps missing. A, Microspio sp., prostomium narrow and rounded anteriorly. B, Spio cf. filicornis, prostomium wide anteriorly, with frontal median incision. C, Marenzelleria viridis, prostomium wide and rounded anteriorly. D, Polydora cornuta, prostomium bilobed anteriorly. E, Malacoceros sp., prostomium with fronto-lateral horns. F, Spiophanes sp., prostomium with fronto-lateral horns and characteristic crook-like spines in neuropodia of segment 1. an—occipital antenna; cr—crook-like spine; fh—fronto-lateral prostomial horn; lo—lateral ciliated organ. Scales: A, B, D–F—100 µm. C—200 µm
FIGURE 2. Adult morphology of Polydora hoplura (Wando, South Korea. MIMB 33035). A, anterior end, do...
FIGURE 6. Malacoceros indicus. A–E, G–H, voucher specimens (USNM 1096799); F (ZRC 2006.0221). A, ant...
FIGURE 1. Polydora cornuta adult morphology. A, anterior end, dorsal view, showing palp scars (pa), ...
FIGURE 1. Spionid adult morphology. Head and anterior segments, all in dorsal view with palps missin...
FIGURE 8. Spionid adult morphology. Branchiae. A, Paraprionospio sp., anterior end, dorsal view, pal...
FIGURE 12. Spionid internal anatomy. A, Spiophanes duplex, 13-segment anterior end of 23-segment juv...
FIGURE 4. Prionospio gabriellae sp. nov. holotype (CEMUA: ANNE:002066: A. Anterior region, dorsal vi...
Figure 1. Spionidae larval morphology. A, 16-chaetiger larva, leħ lateral view. B, 26-chaetiger larv...
Figure 9. Spionidae head composition. A, Microspio microcera (Dorsey 1977), anterior end, ventral vi...
Figure 8. Spionidae head composition. A, Dispio sp., anterior end, ventral view. B, same, leħ latera...
FIGURE 5. Prionospio gabriellae sp. nov. Paratype (CEMUA: ANNE:002282): A. Anterior region, dorsal v...
FIGURE 30. Pseudopolydora cf. paucibranchiata. A–J—AM W.45380. A, B. Right parapodia of chaetiger 5,...
FIGURE 2. Adult morphology of Polydora hoplura (Wando, South Korea. MIMB 33035). A, anterior end, do...
FIGURE 5. Spio blakei (Blake & Kudenov, 1978): Examples for pigmentation patterns. A. Live complete ...
Figure 10. Spionidae head composition. A, B, Paraprionospio sp., anterior ends, leħ lateral view. C,...
FIGURE 2. Adult morphology of Polydora hoplura (Wando, South Korea. MIMB 33035). A, anterior end, do...
FIGURE 6. Malacoceros indicus. A–E, G–H, voucher specimens (USNM 1096799); F (ZRC 2006.0221). A, ant...
FIGURE 1. Polydora cornuta adult morphology. A, anterior end, dorsal view, showing palp scars (pa), ...
FIGURE 1. Spionid adult morphology. Head and anterior segments, all in dorsal view with palps missin...
FIGURE 8. Spionid adult morphology. Branchiae. A, Paraprionospio sp., anterior end, dorsal view, pal...
FIGURE 12. Spionid internal anatomy. A, Spiophanes duplex, 13-segment anterior end of 23-segment juv...
FIGURE 4. Prionospio gabriellae sp. nov. holotype (CEMUA: ANNE:002066: A. Anterior region, dorsal vi...
Figure 1. Spionidae larval morphology. A, 16-chaetiger larva, leħ lateral view. B, 26-chaetiger larv...
Figure 9. Spionidae head composition. A, Microspio microcera (Dorsey 1977), anterior end, ventral vi...
Figure 8. Spionidae head composition. A, Dispio sp., anterior end, ventral view. B, same, leħ latera...
FIGURE 5. Prionospio gabriellae sp. nov. Paratype (CEMUA: ANNE:002282): A. Anterior region, dorsal v...
FIGURE 30. Pseudopolydora cf. paucibranchiata. A–J—AM W.45380. A, B. Right parapodia of chaetiger 5,...
FIGURE 2. Adult morphology of Polydora hoplura (Wando, South Korea. MIMB 33035). A, anterior end, do...
FIGURE 5. Spio blakei (Blake & Kudenov, 1978): Examples for pigmentation patterns. A. Live complete ...
Figure 10. Spionidae head composition. A, B, Paraprionospio sp., anterior ends, leħ lateral view. C,...
FIGURE 2. Adult morphology of Polydora hoplura (Wando, South Korea. MIMB 33035). A, anterior end, do...
FIGURE 6. Malacoceros indicus. A–E, G–H, voucher specimens (USNM 1096799); F (ZRC 2006.0221). A, ant...
FIGURE 1. Polydora cornuta adult morphology. A, anterior end, dorsal view, showing palp scars (pa), ...