Figures 1–6. Bythotiaridae spp. 1–3, 5–6. Bythotiara depressa Naumov, 1960. 4. Protiaropsis anonyma (after Brinckmann-Voss & Arai, 1998). 1. Mature medusa, side-view, bell 20 mm in height (after Naumov, 1960). 2. Adult, margin and tentacle tip (after Brinckmann-Voss & Arai, 1998). 3. Juvenile (after Brinckmann-Voss & Arai, 1998). 5. Side-view. 6. Mouth and gonads, oral view. Scale bars =3.0mm
FIGURE 4. Capitate hydroids. a, Tubularia acadiae, hydranth with female gonophores, ROMIZ B629. Scal...
FIGURE 2. Diagrammatic exumbrellar view of adult medusa of Chrysaora lactea. Note the arrangement of...
FIGURE 19–26. Eucheilota paradoxica Mayer: lateral view, radial canal with medusa bud (19); Clytia s...
Figures 7–9. Bythotiaridae spp., side view. 7. Eumedusa sp. 8. Protiaropsis pedunculata Xu, Huang & ...
Figures 3–13. Lizzia spp. 3–8. L. blondina (Forbes, 1848). 9–11. L. gracilis (Mayer, 1900), in later...
Figures 4–9. Eucodonium spp. 4–6. E. bitentaculatum Xu, Huang & Guo, sp. nov. 7–8. E. brevistyle Xu,...
FIGURE 1. Crossota millsae, sp. nov. a) Lateral view of female specimen. Scale bar = 9 mm. b) Latera...
Zhenzu Xu, Jiaqi Huang, Mao Lin, Donghui Guo, Chunguang Wang (2016): Taxonomic notes on Hydroidomedu...
Figures 1–3. Eucodonium spp., lateral view. 1. E. bitentaculatum Xu, Huang & Guo, sp. nov. 2. E. bre...
FIGURE 2. A. alata neotype (USNM 1195802 unless otherwise specified) from Kralendijk, Bonaire, The N...
FIGURE 2. A–D Solmundella bitentaculata (Quoy & Gaimard, 1833): A, lobed umbrela margin; B, peronia;...
FIGURE 6–9. Turritopsis nutricula McCrady: lateral view (6); Proboscidactyla ornata (McCrady): oral ...
FIGURE 2–5. Bougainvillia frondosa Mayer: lateral view of Dzoo-Cn 255 (2), lateral view of other spe...
FIGURE 2. A–C: Hydractinia parvispina Hartlaub, 1905—two gonozooids, one bearing tentacles and surro...
FIGURE 5. A to C: Plumularia setacea (Linnaeus, 1758) – stem internode and basal part of cladium (A)...
FIGURE 4. Capitate hydroids. a, Tubularia acadiae, hydranth with female gonophores, ROMIZ B629. Scal...
FIGURE 2. Diagrammatic exumbrellar view of adult medusa of Chrysaora lactea. Note the arrangement of...
FIGURE 19–26. Eucheilota paradoxica Mayer: lateral view, radial canal with medusa bud (19); Clytia s...
Figures 7–9. Bythotiaridae spp., side view. 7. Eumedusa sp. 8. Protiaropsis pedunculata Xu, Huang & ...
Figures 3–13. Lizzia spp. 3–8. L. blondina (Forbes, 1848). 9–11. L. gracilis (Mayer, 1900), in later...
Figures 4–9. Eucodonium spp. 4–6. E. bitentaculatum Xu, Huang & Guo, sp. nov. 7–8. E. brevistyle Xu,...
FIGURE 1. Crossota millsae, sp. nov. a) Lateral view of female specimen. Scale bar = 9 mm. b) Latera...
Zhenzu Xu, Jiaqi Huang, Mao Lin, Donghui Guo, Chunguang Wang (2016): Taxonomic notes on Hydroidomedu...
Figures 1–3. Eucodonium spp., lateral view. 1. E. bitentaculatum Xu, Huang & Guo, sp. nov. 2. E. bre...
FIGURE 2. A. alata neotype (USNM 1195802 unless otherwise specified) from Kralendijk, Bonaire, The N...
FIGURE 2. A–D Solmundella bitentaculata (Quoy & Gaimard, 1833): A, lobed umbrela margin; B, peronia;...
FIGURE 6–9. Turritopsis nutricula McCrady: lateral view (6); Proboscidactyla ornata (McCrady): oral ...
FIGURE 2–5. Bougainvillia frondosa Mayer: lateral view of Dzoo-Cn 255 (2), lateral view of other spe...
FIGURE 2. A–C: Hydractinia parvispina Hartlaub, 1905—two gonozooids, one bearing tentacles and surro...
FIGURE 5. A to C: Plumularia setacea (Linnaeus, 1758) – stem internode and basal part of cladium (A)...
FIGURE 4. Capitate hydroids. a, Tubularia acadiae, hydranth with female gonophores, ROMIZ B629. Scal...
FIGURE 2. Diagrammatic exumbrellar view of adult medusa of Chrysaora lactea. Note the arrangement of...
FIGURE 19–26. Eucheilota paradoxica Mayer: lateral view, radial canal with medusa bud (19); Clytia s...