Autori u svom radu prikazuju život i djelovanje Ljudevita baruna Ožegovića (1841. - 1913.), sina Metela Ožegovića. Opisani su njegove obiteljske prilike, gospodarska, politička i humanitarna djelatnost, a najveći dio rada posvećen je njegovom slikarstvu.Baron Ljudevit Ožegović (born in Varaždin on 28th February 1841, died in Zagreb on 28th October 1913), was born to the well-known Illyrianist Metel Ožegović and his wife Ivana, Countess Sermage. He was educated in Vienna where he completed studies of law and philosophy. His first wife was Countess Olga Erdody and later he married Ivka Hayos( Hiršl), who was a teacher. From the two he had two daughters and three sons. The basis of his economic activity was his property Gušćerovec- Veliki Kaln...