Tijekom ortodontskoga liječenja često se javlja zabrinutost o vezi liječenja i razvoja simptoma temporomandibularne disfunkcije. Svrha je ovoga rada dati pregled literature u svezi s na mogućim utjecajem ortodontskoga liječenja na nastanak disfunkcije temporomandibularnoga zgloba. Iz danoga pregleda literature vidljivo je kako je hipoteza da ortodontsko liječenje uzrokuje temporomandibularne disfunkciju zbog distalnoga pomaka kondila vjerojatno neutemeljena. Klinička ispitivanja daju rezultate iz kojih proizlazi da ortodontsko liječenje ima malu ulogu u pogoršanju ili nastanku temporomandibularne disfunkcije kada se pacijenti u kojih je provedeno ortodontsko liječenje uspoređuju s neliječenim pacijentima s ortodontskim anomalijama ili bez ...
Objectives: The aim of this literature systematic review was to evaluate the possible association be...
Temporomandibularni poremećaj je naziv za niz patoloških stanja koja ukljuĉuju ţvaĉne mišiće, ĉeljus...
Temporomandibularni poremećaj je naziv za niz patoloških stanja koja ukljuĉuju ţvaĉne mišiće, ĉeljus...
Orthodontic treatment has been variously cited both as a protective and harmful factor in temporoman...
Orthodontic treatment has been variously cited both as a protective and harmful factor in temporoman...
Temporomandibular Disorder (TMD) is the main cause of pain of non-dental origin in the oro-facial re...
Temporomandibular Disorder (TMD) is the main cause of pain of non-dental origin in the oro-facial re...
Temporomandibular Disorder (TMD) is the main cause of pain of non-dental origin in the oro-facial re...
Since the end of the 20th century, the problems of the temporomandibular disorders (TMDs) have arous...
Orthodontic treatment has been variously cited both as a protective and harm-ful factor in temporoma...
The possible association between orthodontic treatment and temporomandibular disorders (TMD) is a to...
Introduction: Functional disorders of the stomatognathic system are included among temporomandibular...
Introduction: Functional disorders of the stomatognathic system are included among temporomandibular...
Objectives: The aim of this literature systematic review was to evaluate the possible association be...
Termin koji se koristi za strukturalne i funkcijske poremećaje povezane s temporomandibularnim zglob...
Objectives: The aim of this literature systematic review was to evaluate the possible association be...
Temporomandibularni poremećaj je naziv za niz patoloških stanja koja ukljuĉuju ţvaĉne mišiće, ĉeljus...
Temporomandibularni poremećaj je naziv za niz patoloških stanja koja ukljuĉuju ţvaĉne mišiće, ĉeljus...
Orthodontic treatment has been variously cited both as a protective and harmful factor in temporoman...
Orthodontic treatment has been variously cited both as a protective and harmful factor in temporoman...
Temporomandibular Disorder (TMD) is the main cause of pain of non-dental origin in the oro-facial re...
Temporomandibular Disorder (TMD) is the main cause of pain of non-dental origin in the oro-facial re...
Temporomandibular Disorder (TMD) is the main cause of pain of non-dental origin in the oro-facial re...
Since the end of the 20th century, the problems of the temporomandibular disorders (TMDs) have arous...
Orthodontic treatment has been variously cited both as a protective and harm-ful factor in temporoma...
The possible association between orthodontic treatment and temporomandibular disorders (TMD) is a to...
Introduction: Functional disorders of the stomatognathic system are included among temporomandibular...
Introduction: Functional disorders of the stomatognathic system are included among temporomandibular...
Objectives: The aim of this literature systematic review was to evaluate the possible association be...
Termin koji se koristi za strukturalne i funkcijske poremećaje povezane s temporomandibularnim zglob...
Objectives: The aim of this literature systematic review was to evaluate the possible association be...
Temporomandibularni poremećaj je naziv za niz patoloških stanja koja ukljuĉuju ţvaĉne mišiće, ĉeljus...
Temporomandibularni poremećaj je naziv za niz patoloških stanja koja ukljuĉuju ţvaĉne mišiće, ĉeljus...