Prirodna mješovita zaraza uzrokovana virusom influence ptica podtipa H9 i virusom zaraznog bronhitisa na farmama tovnih pilića

  • Saeed Seifi
  • Keramat Asasi
  • Ali Mohammadi
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Publication date
January 2010
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine University of Zagreb


Although H9N2 AIV (Avian Influenza Virus) is pathotyped as a low pathogenic avian influenza virus, our extensive field experiences over the last decade show serious disease and high mortality in broiler chicken associated with this subtype in many regions of Iran. One of the possible explanations for such high mortality and great economic losses could be mixed infection with other respiratory pathogens such as infectious bronchitis virus (IBV). This investigation was conducted to study the natural co-infections of H9N2 AIV and infectious bronchitis viruses in broiler chicken flocks in Fars province, Iran. Tracheal samples were taken from chickens in 30 closely monitored broiler flocks suffering from respiratory disease with mortality higher...

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