Trockenrasen (v. a. Klassen Koelerio-Corynephoretea und Festuco-Brometea) gehören zu den auf kleinen Flächen artenreichsten Pflanzengesellschaften überhaupt und stellen ideale Modellsysteme für die Analyse von Phytodiversitätsmustern und deren Ursachen dar. Ich gebe einen Überblick der in verschiedenen Trockenrasentypen Europas auftretenden Durchschnitts- und Maximalwerte der Artenzahlen von Gefäßpflanzen, Moosen und Flechten auf unterschiedlichen Flächengrößen zwischen 1 mm2 und 100 m2. Gesellschaften der Festuco-Brometea sind generell artenreicher als jene der Koelerio-Corynephoretea. Die bislang höchsten publizierten Artendichten stammen jedoch aus dem Gypsophilo fastigiatae-Globularietum vulgaris, einer basiphilen Felsgrusflur der schwe...
The Transylvanian Plateau in Romania is well known to host large areas of a variety of dry grassland...
<div><p>It is becoming increasingly necessary to gain a deeper understanding of the ecological gradi...
In this thesis, I examine the variation in plant species richness along gradients of productivity an...
The vegetation databank established by our working group covers the classes Festuco-Brometea, Koeler...
The vegetation databank established by our working group covers the classes FestucoBrametea. Koeleri...
We first report from the 5th Dry Grassland Meeting held from 28th to 30st of August 2008 in Kiel, Ge...
We used an extensive dataset (1220 vegetation plots of 1 m(2)) to study vegetation gradients and fin...
Innerhalb geschlossener Waldbestände existieren im Naturraum Harth der elsässischen Rheinebene (Fran...
We present the data of the 2nd research expedition of the European Dry Grassland Group (EDGG), which...
Drei wenig bekannte Festuco-Brometea-Gesellschaften aus den kristallinen Tälern der Flüsse Krems, Ka...
The paper presents the phytosociological structure of selected meadows and pastures used agricultura...
Im südöstlichen Österreich, im angrenzenden Westungarn und Nordostslowenien wurden insgesamt 31 Best...
Topogrāfiskie faktori ir tikpat nozīmīgi kā klimatiskie, biotiskie un antropogēnie, tad ir svarīgi n...
Muránska planina Mts, a small karstic area situated in the southern part of the Western Carpathians ...
In our contribution, we report on the 6th European Dry Grassland Meeting held from 31 August to 1 Se...
The Transylvanian Plateau in Romania is well known to host large areas of a variety of dry grassland...
<div><p>It is becoming increasingly necessary to gain a deeper understanding of the ecological gradi...
In this thesis, I examine the variation in plant species richness along gradients of productivity an...
The vegetation databank established by our working group covers the classes Festuco-Brometea, Koeler...
The vegetation databank established by our working group covers the classes FestucoBrametea. Koeleri...
We first report from the 5th Dry Grassland Meeting held from 28th to 30st of August 2008 in Kiel, Ge...
We used an extensive dataset (1220 vegetation plots of 1 m(2)) to study vegetation gradients and fin...
Innerhalb geschlossener Waldbestände existieren im Naturraum Harth der elsässischen Rheinebene (Fran...
We present the data of the 2nd research expedition of the European Dry Grassland Group (EDGG), which...
Drei wenig bekannte Festuco-Brometea-Gesellschaften aus den kristallinen Tälern der Flüsse Krems, Ka...
The paper presents the phytosociological structure of selected meadows and pastures used agricultura...
Im südöstlichen Österreich, im angrenzenden Westungarn und Nordostslowenien wurden insgesamt 31 Best...
Topogrāfiskie faktori ir tikpat nozīmīgi kā klimatiskie, biotiskie un antropogēnie, tad ir svarīgi n...
Muránska planina Mts, a small karstic area situated in the southern part of the Western Carpathians ...
In our contribution, we report on the 6th European Dry Grassland Meeting held from 31 August to 1 Se...
The Transylvanian Plateau in Romania is well known to host large areas of a variety of dry grassland...
<div><p>It is becoming increasingly necessary to gain a deeper understanding of the ecological gradi...
In this thesis, I examine the variation in plant species richness along gradients of productivity an...