Asian strain influenza 1957 through October27, 1957 [map]

  • Communicable Disease Center (U.S.) Influenza Surveillance Unit.
U.S. Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service, Bureau of State Services, Communicable Disease Center, Influenza Surveillance Unit


"At least 652 counties have now reported influenza since the first appearance of the Asian strain virus in the United States. This represents 21.2% of the counties of the nation. Of this number 119 have experienced community-wide epidemics. All sections of the country are more or less involved now although the Plains States, with low population densities, remain least affected. North Dakota remains the only state apparently free of Asian influenza. Industrial reports show increases in absenteeism for 23 of the 36 reporting cities. Pacific Coast and Plains State cites represent the largest number not yet reporting increased absenteeism. Two cities, Phoenix and Cincinnati, which previously reported increased industrial absenteeism have retu...

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