For pregnant women : a positive Zika virus test : what does it mean for me? [French]Le CDC a conscience que les femmes enceintes peuvent e\ucc\u201atre inquie\ucc\u20actes et peuvent avoir des questions a\ucc\u20ac propos du virus Zika. Un re\ucc?sultat de test positif peut e\ucc\u201atre pre\ucc?occupant, mais il ne signifie pas que votre be\ucc?be\ucc? aura ne\ucc?cessairement des malformations conge\ucc?nitales. Renseignez-vous sur le de\ucc?roulement attendu de votre grossesse dans le cas d'un re\ucc?sultat positif au test de de\ucc?pistage du virus Zika.CS264400-Azika_positive_test_fre-fr.pd
This informational sheet is for pregnant women living in an area with a CDC Zika travel notice, as w...
In February 2016, Zika epidemic is declared Public Health Emergency of International concern (PHEIC)...
CDC scientists use the US Zika Pregnancy and Infant Registry to collect information to help families...
For pregnant women : a positive Zika virus test : what does it mean for me? [Spanish]Los CDC compren...
For pregnant women : a positive Zika virus test : what does it mean for me? [Chinese]\ue7\ube\u17d\u...
1o de junho de 2016For parents: a positive Zika virus test : what does it mean for my child? [Portug...
CDC understands that pregnant women may be worried and have questions about Zika virus. A positive t...
Au cours des épidémies du virus Zika, la surveillance épidémiologique et la recherche clinique se co...
Dear editor: A recent editorial in Travel Medicine and Infectious Diseases highlighted the lack of s...
Pregnant and worried about Zika? : Zika prevention kit for pregnant women [Marshallese]Pa\ucc\u201ea...
20 de diciembre del 2016What you should know about Zika virus testing : for pregnant women who may h...
en février 2016, l’organisation mondiale de la santé (oMs) déclare l’épidémie à Zika virus comme une...
Depuis le début de l’année 2015, l’épidémie de virus Zika s’est répandue rapidement en Amérique du S...
If you are pregnant and traveled to an area with Zika, you should talk to your doctor or other healt...
As a pregnant woman who lives in an area with Zika, you may be at risk of getting Zika at any time d...
This informational sheet is for pregnant women living in an area with a CDC Zika travel notice, as w...
In February 2016, Zika epidemic is declared Public Health Emergency of International concern (PHEIC)...
CDC scientists use the US Zika Pregnancy and Infant Registry to collect information to help families...
For pregnant women : a positive Zika virus test : what does it mean for me? [Spanish]Los CDC compren...
For pregnant women : a positive Zika virus test : what does it mean for me? [Chinese]\ue7\ube\u17d\u...
1o de junho de 2016For parents: a positive Zika virus test : what does it mean for my child? [Portug...
CDC understands that pregnant women may be worried and have questions about Zika virus. A positive t...
Au cours des épidémies du virus Zika, la surveillance épidémiologique et la recherche clinique se co...
Dear editor: A recent editorial in Travel Medicine and Infectious Diseases highlighted the lack of s...
Pregnant and worried about Zika? : Zika prevention kit for pregnant women [Marshallese]Pa\ucc\u201ea...
20 de diciembre del 2016What you should know about Zika virus testing : for pregnant women who may h...
en février 2016, l’organisation mondiale de la santé (oMs) déclare l’épidémie à Zika virus comme une...
Depuis le début de l’année 2015, l’épidémie de virus Zika s’est répandue rapidement en Amérique du S...
If you are pregnant and traveled to an area with Zika, you should talk to your doctor or other healt...
As a pregnant woman who lives in an area with Zika, you may be at risk of getting Zika at any time d...
This informational sheet is for pregnant women living in an area with a CDC Zika travel notice, as w...
In February 2016, Zika epidemic is declared Public Health Emergency of International concern (PHEIC)...
CDC scientists use the US Zika Pregnancy and Infant Registry to collect information to help families...