教員養成課程大学生を対象として,月の位相の認識に関連する内容の理解状況について質問紙調査を行った.この結果,月の位相について適切に説明できる者には,次の事柄が当てはまることが明らかになった.・月の昼半球は太陽光が差し込む側にあることを認識している.・宇宙からの視点を地表における視点へ心的に移動させることができる.・月食のしくみも適切に説明できる.・月の公転軌道図が概念モデルの模式であるとは必ずしも認識していない.・月の公転周期を必ずしも理解していない.・月の観察やモデル実験を通して学んだことがある学生が多いわけではない. 月の位相について理解していない場合,小学校6年生や中学校3年生の月に関する学習内容のいずれかが身についていなかったり,中学校で学ぶ概念に混同が見られたりすることから,特に中学校における指導の改善が必要である.The authors conducted a group of questionnaire researches to preservice teachers who were the undergraduate students in teacher-training course at the university in 2015 and 2016. The result shows their conception of the Moon phase are as follows; ・they know sun light shine on a half of the Moon, ・they can change view points from out of the Earth to the surface, ・they can also ex...
This study is about motions of the Moon which is an important topic in science education curriculum....
Understanding the phases of the Moon is a perennial stumbling block in introductory astronomy classe...
月の満ち欠けに関する学習は,現在,小学校第6 学年と中学校第3 学年の理科で扱われている. 小学校では,月の形の見え方は太陽と月の位置関係によって変わることを学習するが,その指導方 法は地球から見た太...
본 연구에서는 달의 위상 변화에 대한 과학적 모형 구성 수업에서 나타나는 영재 학생들의 모형 생성 및 발달 과정의 특징과 학생과 교사의 활동이 이 과정에 미치는 영향에 대해 알아보...
The authors conducted two classes for undergraduate students. The aim of these experimental classes ...
Yüksek Lisans TeziAy, Dünya'ya yakın konumundan dolayı yüzyıllardır insanların dikkatini çeken bir g...
Aspiring secondary school science teachers must experientially learn the way of using a telescope an...
埼玉県越谷市平成16 年度から,文教大学教育学部理科専修の学生対象の実習科目「地学実験Ⅲ」を3泊4日の合宿形式の集中講義として,実施している.内容は東京大学大学院理学系研究科天文学教育研究センター木曽...
This study aimed to describe the conception of junior high school students, high school and students...
This paper is a report of the Australian segment of an international multi-campus project centred on...
We report preliminary results from an NSF-funded project to build, test, and research the impact of ...
This study is about motions of the Moon which is an important topic in science education curriculum....
Understanding the phases of the Moon is a perennial stumbling block in introductory astronomy classe...
月の満ち欠けに関する学習は,現在,小学校第6 学年と中学校第3 学年の理科で扱われている. 小学校では,月の形の見え方は太陽と月の位置関係によって変わることを学習するが,その指導方 法は地球から見た太...
본 연구에서는 달의 위상 변화에 대한 과학적 모형 구성 수업에서 나타나는 영재 학생들의 모형 생성 및 발달 과정의 특징과 학생과 교사의 활동이 이 과정에 미치는 영향에 대해 알아보...
The authors conducted two classes for undergraduate students. The aim of these experimental classes ...
Yüksek Lisans TeziAy, Dünya'ya yakın konumundan dolayı yüzyıllardır insanların dikkatini çeken bir g...
Aspiring secondary school science teachers must experientially learn the way of using a telescope an...
埼玉県越谷市平成16 年度から,文教大学教育学部理科専修の学生対象の実習科目「地学実験Ⅲ」を3泊4日の合宿形式の集中講義として,実施している.内容は東京大学大学院理学系研究科天文学教育研究センター木曽...
This study aimed to describe the conception of junior high school students, high school and students...
This paper is a report of the Australian segment of an international multi-campus project centred on...
We report preliminary results from an NSF-funded project to build, test, and research the impact of ...
This study is about motions of the Moon which is an important topic in science education curriculum....
Understanding the phases of the Moon is a perennial stumbling block in introductory astronomy classe...