The week of November 17-21, 2014 marks the first annual Contact Lens Health Week! This year\ue2\u20ac\u2122s campaign theme is You only have one pair of eyes, so take care of them!Contact Lens Health Week 2014 targets older teen and young adult contact lens wearers\ue2\u20ac\u201da group at increased risk for eye infections associated with contact lens wear\ue2\u20ac\u201das well as their eye care providers. The campaign also includes messages and materials suitable for all contact lens wearers.To encourage and support your Contact Lens Health Week, we have provided a promotion toolkit, which includes\ue2\u20ac\ua2 Promotion and outreach suggestions\ue2\u20ac\ua2 Web-based resource list\ue2\u20ac\ua2 List of short messages for use on social...