Get the facts : National Lead Poisoning Prevention Week : October 19-25, 2014 [Spanish]El plomo en la pintura, las parti\u301culas y el polvo puede ser un peligro grave para la salud. Muchas viviendas y guarderi\u301as construidas antes de 1978 tienen pintura a base de plomo. En los nin\u303os, incluso una pequen\u303a cantidad de polvo contaminado con plomo puede causar una menor inteligencia, problemas de comportamiento y discapacidades de aprendizaje.2014672
Hispanic children represent 65 % of the cases of lead poisoned children in San Bernardino County. Th...
Cada an\u303o, la Semana Nacional de Prevencio\u301n de la Envenenamiento por Plomo (NLPPW, por sus ...
Profesora de pintura sobre vidrio y restauración de vidrieras de 65 años acude a la Unidad Médica de...
National Lead Poisoning Prevention Week : October 19-25, 2014 [Spanish]1inos Libres de plomo.Para un...
National Lead Poisoning Prevention Week : October 21-October 27, 2012 [Spanish]Ni\uc3\ub1os Libres d...
National Lead Poisoning Prevention Week : October 23-29, 2016 [Spanish]Haga evaluar su hogarHaga exa...
National Lead Poisoning Prevention Week 2020 : October 25-October 31, 2020 [Spanish]Publication date...
Lead free kids for a healthy future : October 20-26, 2019 : National Lead Poisoning Prevention Week ...
National Lead Poisoning Prevention Week [Spanish]Publication date from document properties.NLPPW2022...
Lead poisoning : know the facts [Spanish]El envenenamiento es causado al respirar o por digerir el p...
National Lead Poisoning Prevention Week [Spanish]Get Your Home TestedGet Your Child TestedGet the Fa...
Lead poisoning : 5 things you can do to lower your child's lead level [Spanish]Esto es lo que usted ...
National Lead Poisoning Prevention Week : October 23-29, 2016 [French]Faites tester votre maisonFait...
Lead poisoning : are you pregnant? [Spanish]Evite el envenenamiento del plomo. Empiece ahora.El enve...
Get the facts.Get your home tested.Get your child tested.Publication date from document properties.2...
Hispanic children represent 65 % of the cases of lead poisoned children in San Bernardino County. Th...
Cada an\u303o, la Semana Nacional de Prevencio\u301n de la Envenenamiento por Plomo (NLPPW, por sus ...
Profesora de pintura sobre vidrio y restauración de vidrieras de 65 años acude a la Unidad Médica de...
National Lead Poisoning Prevention Week : October 19-25, 2014 [Spanish]1inos Libres de plomo.Para un...
National Lead Poisoning Prevention Week : October 21-October 27, 2012 [Spanish]Ni\uc3\ub1os Libres d...
National Lead Poisoning Prevention Week : October 23-29, 2016 [Spanish]Haga evaluar su hogarHaga exa...
National Lead Poisoning Prevention Week 2020 : October 25-October 31, 2020 [Spanish]Publication date...
Lead free kids for a healthy future : October 20-26, 2019 : National Lead Poisoning Prevention Week ...
National Lead Poisoning Prevention Week [Spanish]Publication date from document properties.NLPPW2022...
Lead poisoning : know the facts [Spanish]El envenenamiento es causado al respirar o por digerir el p...
National Lead Poisoning Prevention Week [Spanish]Get Your Home TestedGet Your Child TestedGet the Fa...
Lead poisoning : 5 things you can do to lower your child's lead level [Spanish]Esto es lo que usted ...
National Lead Poisoning Prevention Week : October 23-29, 2016 [French]Faites tester votre maisonFait...
Lead poisoning : are you pregnant? [Spanish]Evite el envenenamiento del plomo. Empiece ahora.El enve...
Get the facts.Get your home tested.Get your child tested.Publication date from document properties.2...
Hispanic children represent 65 % of the cases of lead poisoned children in San Bernardino County. Th...
Cada an\u303o, la Semana Nacional de Prevencio\u301n de la Envenenamiento por Plomo (NLPPW, por sus ...
Profesora de pintura sobre vidrio y restauración de vidrieras de 65 años acude a la Unidad Médica de...