Kabupaten Cianjur memiliki potensi wisata olahraga yang menantang. Salah satunya wisata pendakian di Taman Nasional Gunung Gede Pangrango untuk selanjutnya akan ditulis TNGGP merupakan objek wisata yang paling populer hingga ke mancanegara. Kawasan TNGGP adalah salah satu dari lima taman nasional tertua di Indonesia dan ditetapkan sebagai World Heritage Site dengan ketinggian puncak kurang lebih 3.019 m dpl, kawasan seluas 22.851,03 ha ini mencakup tiga kabupaten, yaitu Bogor, Cianjur, dan Sukabumi. Meskipun jumlah kunjungan partisipan ke TNGGP terus mengalami peningkatan pada tahun 2013, namun secara persentase mengalami penurunan pertumbuhan dibandingkan tahun sebelumnya. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaru...
Tourism has become a major contributing sector in the economies of many countries in the world, espe...
During the last decade, many countries are paying special concern to develop of tourism and ecotouri...
This research and how much influence factors travelers decision beforevisiting the park agrotourism ...
Sport Decision merupakan proses pengambilan keputusan berolahraga yang menjadi dasar dari konsumsi p...
The tourist area of Ciwidey and Pangalengan is part of South Bandung region and making the main purp...
Eco-sport tourism is an integrated activity between ecotourism and sports. The human need for travel...
One of the new tourism objects developing in Palembang City is the Sudirman Palembang Pedestrian nig...
Eco-sport tourism is an integrated activity between ecotourism and sports. The human need for travel...
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana pengaruh dari tourist motivation terhad...
The aim of this research was to examine about the tourists’ motivation describe in visiting Tabek In...
This study aims to (1) to analize the motivation of tourists at the tourist destination of Puncak Pu...
Wisata olahraga yang paling berdampak besar dalam pemasukan devisa negara adalah melalui kegiatan sp...
Konsep dari motivasi wisatawan menjadi salah satu topik yang penting dalam perilaku konsumen di bida...
The knowledge on sport tourist behaviours is essential as it can be used as a basis for market segme...
The objectives of this study are to determine the visitors’ willingness to pay for conservation of t...
Tourism has become a major contributing sector in the economies of many countries in the world, espe...
During the last decade, many countries are paying special concern to develop of tourism and ecotouri...
This research and how much influence factors travelers decision beforevisiting the park agrotourism ...
Sport Decision merupakan proses pengambilan keputusan berolahraga yang menjadi dasar dari konsumsi p...
The tourist area of Ciwidey and Pangalengan is part of South Bandung region and making the main purp...
Eco-sport tourism is an integrated activity between ecotourism and sports. The human need for travel...
One of the new tourism objects developing in Palembang City is the Sudirman Palembang Pedestrian nig...
Eco-sport tourism is an integrated activity between ecotourism and sports. The human need for travel...
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana pengaruh dari tourist motivation terhad...
The aim of this research was to examine about the tourists’ motivation describe in visiting Tabek In...
This study aims to (1) to analize the motivation of tourists at the tourist destination of Puncak Pu...
Wisata olahraga yang paling berdampak besar dalam pemasukan devisa negara adalah melalui kegiatan sp...
Konsep dari motivasi wisatawan menjadi salah satu topik yang penting dalam perilaku konsumen di bida...
The knowledge on sport tourist behaviours is essential as it can be used as a basis for market segme...
The objectives of this study are to determine the visitors’ willingness to pay for conservation of t...
Tourism has become a major contributing sector in the economies of many countries in the world, espe...
During the last decade, many countries are paying special concern to develop of tourism and ecotouri...
This research and how much influence factors travelers decision beforevisiting the park agrotourism ...