V poľnom maloparcelovom pokuse založenom na experimentálnej báze Dolná Malanta bola v rokoch 2004 a 2005 sledovaná bilancia rastlinných živín v päť honovom osevnom postupe pri konvenčnom (B1) a minimalizačnom obrábaní pôdy (B2) v interakcii s hnojením priemyselnými hnojivami a využitím organickej hmoty vedľajšieho produktu (slama) a pozberových zvyškov. Hodnotené plodiny boli pestované v nasledovnom slede: kukurica siata na zrno - pšenica letná f. ozimná - jačmeň jarný s podsevom ďateliny lúčnej - ďatelina lúčna - hrach siaty + medziplodina horčica biela. Najvyšší deficit dusíka (- 62,2 kg.ha-1.rok-1), fosforu (- 24,0 kg.ha-1.rok-1) a draslíka (- 89,2 kg.ha-1.rok- 1) bol zistený na kontrolnom nehnojenom variante. Negatívna bilancia dusíka b...
Using NDICEA, farmers can identify where problems with nutrient loss/imbalance occur in their rotati...
Istraživanja su provedena na pokušalištu Visokog gospodarskog učilišta u Križevcima (N: 46o01\u2712\...
Straipsnyje apibendrinti 1997-2003 metais LŽŪU VŪI tyrimų, atliktų fosforo apykaitos agroekosistemoj...
Field experiment was carried out in organic sertificated field of the Experimental Station of the Li...
Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium balance in the organic and conventional crop production systems a...
Statyczne doświadczenia plodozmianowe założono w latach 1970-1972 w trzech zakładach doświadczalnych...
V kmetijstvu poznamo več pridelovalnih sistemov. S spodbujanjem trajnostnega kmetijstva se je pojavi...
The nutrient balance in different crop rotations under organic cropping system has been investigated...
The nutrient balance in different crop rotations under organic cropping system has been investigated...
Inappropriate use of nitrogen fertilisers is becoming a global problem; however, continuous fertilis...
Od 1991 roku prowadzone są w północno-wschodniej Polsce badania polowe na glebie płowej klasy IIIa z...
The aim of the study was to assess the development of crop rotations with regard to the current stat...
Soil fertility in biologized crop rotations depends on the saturation of them with legumes and sider...
Soil fertility in biologized crop rotations depends on the saturation of them with legumes and sider...
Using NDICEA, farmers can identify where problems with nutrient loss/imbalance occur in their rotati...
Using NDICEA, farmers can identify where problems with nutrient loss/imbalance occur in their rotati...
Istraživanja su provedena na pokušalištu Visokog gospodarskog učilišta u Križevcima (N: 46o01\u2712\...
Straipsnyje apibendrinti 1997-2003 metais LŽŪU VŪI tyrimų, atliktų fosforo apykaitos agroekosistemoj...
Field experiment was carried out in organic sertificated field of the Experimental Station of the Li...
Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium balance in the organic and conventional crop production systems a...
Statyczne doświadczenia plodozmianowe założono w latach 1970-1972 w trzech zakładach doświadczalnych...
V kmetijstvu poznamo več pridelovalnih sistemov. S spodbujanjem trajnostnega kmetijstva se je pojavi...
The nutrient balance in different crop rotations under organic cropping system has been investigated...
The nutrient balance in different crop rotations under organic cropping system has been investigated...
Inappropriate use of nitrogen fertilisers is becoming a global problem; however, continuous fertilis...
Od 1991 roku prowadzone są w północno-wschodniej Polsce badania polowe na glebie płowej klasy IIIa z...
The aim of the study was to assess the development of crop rotations with regard to the current stat...
Soil fertility in biologized crop rotations depends on the saturation of them with legumes and sider...
Soil fertility in biologized crop rotations depends on the saturation of them with legumes and sider...
Using NDICEA, farmers can identify where problems with nutrient loss/imbalance occur in their rotati...
Using NDICEA, farmers can identify where problems with nutrient loss/imbalance occur in their rotati...
Istraživanja su provedena na pokušalištu Visokog gospodarskog učilišta u Križevcima (N: 46o01\u2712\...
Straipsnyje apibendrinti 1997-2003 metais LŽŪU VŪI tyrimų, atliktų fosforo apykaitos agroekosistemoj...