Prikazan je algoritam za određivanje koeficijenata u jednadžbi pramena konika kad je pramen zadan s četiri točke od kojih su dvije dvostruke. Da bi se moglo raditi s neizmjerno dalekim točkama uvedene su homogene koordinate. Postupak je ilustriran s nekoliko primjera.The algorithm is presented for the determination of coefficients in the equation of conic section pencils when the pencil is given by four base points two of which are double points. In order to work with the points in infinity, the homogeneous coordinates are introduced. The approach is illustrated by several examples
Objective: The aim of the study was to analyze types and methods of intrauterine fetal cardiac inter...
Cílem diplomové práce je založení kamenného obchodu (nízkonákladové výdejny) v návaznosti na již exi...
Revitalizacija deponija pepela zasnivanjem biljnog pokrivača predstavlja postupakkojim se najbolje m...
Prikazan je algoritam za određivanje koeficijenata u jednadžbi pramena konika kad je pramen zadan s ...
V mé diplomové práci jsem řešil návrh polikliniky ve Velkém Meziříčí, jedná se o čtyřpodlažní částeč...
Tato diplomová práce se zabývá zpracováním projektové dokumentace stavby ubytovacího zařízení. Konkr...
In this paper a summary of results from geochemical investigation of the Vilémovice limestones carri...
Neuromuscular fatigue during and after short maximally intensive concentric exercise was analyzed. N...
Objectives: Cervix-sparing hysterectomy due to benign conditions remains controversial, especially w...
The paper presents current views and recommendations for pregnancy complicated by TTTS. The symptoms...
Cesarean section is one of most common obstetric procedures, with the incidence of 33.9-43.1% of all...
Objectives: Comparison of fetal umbilical and middle cerebral artery flow between early- and late-on...
Introduction: Genetic amniocentesis (GA) is the most common prenatal diagnostic test. One of the mai...
Neuromuscular fatigue after stretch-shortening cycle (SSC) exercise was analysed. Eleven healthy spo...
Diplomová práce řeší novostavbu polyfunkčního domu v obci Oslavany. Polyfunkční dům je samostatně st...
Objective: The aim of the study was to analyze types and methods of intrauterine fetal cardiac inter...
Cílem diplomové práce je založení kamenného obchodu (nízkonákladové výdejny) v návaznosti na již exi...
Revitalizacija deponija pepela zasnivanjem biljnog pokrivača predstavlja postupakkojim se najbolje m...
Prikazan je algoritam za određivanje koeficijenata u jednadžbi pramena konika kad je pramen zadan s ...
V mé diplomové práci jsem řešil návrh polikliniky ve Velkém Meziříčí, jedná se o čtyřpodlažní částeč...
Tato diplomová práce se zabývá zpracováním projektové dokumentace stavby ubytovacího zařízení. Konkr...
In this paper a summary of results from geochemical investigation of the Vilémovice limestones carri...
Neuromuscular fatigue during and after short maximally intensive concentric exercise was analyzed. N...
Objectives: Cervix-sparing hysterectomy due to benign conditions remains controversial, especially w...
The paper presents current views and recommendations for pregnancy complicated by TTTS. The symptoms...
Cesarean section is one of most common obstetric procedures, with the incidence of 33.9-43.1% of all...
Objectives: Comparison of fetal umbilical and middle cerebral artery flow between early- and late-on...
Introduction: Genetic amniocentesis (GA) is the most common prenatal diagnostic test. One of the mai...
Neuromuscular fatigue after stretch-shortening cycle (SSC) exercise was analysed. Eleven healthy spo...
Diplomová práce řeší novostavbu polyfunkčního domu v obci Oslavany. Polyfunkční dům je samostatně st...
Objective: The aim of the study was to analyze types and methods of intrauterine fetal cardiac inter...
Cílem diplomové práce je založení kamenného obchodu (nízkonákladové výdejny) v návaznosti na již exi...
Revitalizacija deponija pepela zasnivanjem biljnog pokrivača predstavlja postupakkojim se najbolje m...