Kadmij i rezidua navedenih triju herbicida u osušenom cvijetu industrijski uzgojene kamilice bili su povišeni iznad preporučenih podnošljivih vrijednosti. Rezultati su razmotreni s obzirom na postojeću zakonsku regulativu o herbicidima u Republici Hrvatskoj i postojećim preporukama FAO/WHO te na procjenu pojedinačnog i zbirnog toksikološkog rizika u ljudi. Kritički je razmotrena i odbačena uobičajena poljodjelska praksa pretjerane uporabe herbicida. Preporuča se prospektivna primjena biljaka kao prirodnih indikatora onečišćenja čovjekova okoliša te za procjenu toksikološkog opterećenja u čovjekovu prehrambenom lancu.Cadmium and all three enumerated herbicide residues in dried samples of industrially grown true chamomile were found to be abo...
Recently, heavy metals concentrations increased in some agricultural areas due to the consequences o...
Levels of heavy metals Cd, Cr, Ni and Pb obtained by analysis of inorganic and organic fertilizers a...
The aim of this study was to determine the concentration of some metals (Ca, Mg, Mn, Fe, Zn, Ni, Cr...
Kadmij i rezidua navedenih triju herbicida u osušenom cvijetu industrijski uzgojene kamilice bili su...
Heavy metals cause oxidative stress, including the creation of reactive oxygen species, inhibiting a...
Achillea millefolium L. has a great value as medicinal plant. The aim of the research is to determi...
The term heavy metal refers to a metal that has a relatively high density and is toxic for animal an...
Fitoremedijacija je uspješna tehnologija koja iskorištava biljke za pročišćavanje tla, ekološki je p...
Biljne vrste koje se javljaju na površinama a nisu cilj uzgoja smatramo neželjenim vrstama - korovim...
Pojedine biljne droge i preparati biljnih droga sadrže jedinjenja sa potencijalnim rizikom primene, ...
Pojedine biljne droge i preparati biljnih droga sadrže jedinjenja sa potencijalnim rizikom primene, ...
In the present paper we investigated contents of heavy metals (As, Pb, Cd and Hg) and health damagin...
Recently, heavy metals concentrations increased in some agricultural areas due to the consequences o...
In the present paper we investigated contents of heavy metals (As, Pb, Cd and Hg) and health damagin...
In the present paper we investigated contents of heavy metals (As, Pb, Cd and Hg) and health damagin...
Recently, heavy metals concentrations increased in some agricultural areas due to the consequences o...
Levels of heavy metals Cd, Cr, Ni and Pb obtained by analysis of inorganic and organic fertilizers a...
The aim of this study was to determine the concentration of some metals (Ca, Mg, Mn, Fe, Zn, Ni, Cr...
Kadmij i rezidua navedenih triju herbicida u osušenom cvijetu industrijski uzgojene kamilice bili su...
Heavy metals cause oxidative stress, including the creation of reactive oxygen species, inhibiting a...
Achillea millefolium L. has a great value as medicinal plant. The aim of the research is to determi...
The term heavy metal refers to a metal that has a relatively high density and is toxic for animal an...
Fitoremedijacija je uspješna tehnologija koja iskorištava biljke za pročišćavanje tla, ekološki je p...
Biljne vrste koje se javljaju na površinama a nisu cilj uzgoja smatramo neželjenim vrstama - korovim...
Pojedine biljne droge i preparati biljnih droga sadrže jedinjenja sa potencijalnim rizikom primene, ...
Pojedine biljne droge i preparati biljnih droga sadrže jedinjenja sa potencijalnim rizikom primene, ...
In the present paper we investigated contents of heavy metals (As, Pb, Cd and Hg) and health damagin...
Recently, heavy metals concentrations increased in some agricultural areas due to the consequences o...
In the present paper we investigated contents of heavy metals (As, Pb, Cd and Hg) and health damagin...
In the present paper we investigated contents of heavy metals (As, Pb, Cd and Hg) and health damagin...
Recently, heavy metals concentrations increased in some agricultural areas due to the consequences o...
Levels of heavy metals Cd, Cr, Ni and Pb obtained by analysis of inorganic and organic fertilizers a...
The aim of this study was to determine the concentration of some metals (Ca, Mg, Mn, Fe, Zn, Ni, Cr...