Cilj ovog rada bila je usporedba hranjive vrijednosti 16 najznačajnijih sorti sjemena roda LUPINUS, gajenih u europskim uvjetima (PRIMA, LAE, LWA 1, AMIGA, APR 8-2, LAV 8-4, EGHO, V 6-1, ROSE, BORUTA, KARO, JUNO, SONET, ATU, WATT i ANDA). Na temelju kemijskih analiza dokazano je da se navedene sorte međusobno znatno razlikuju u sadržaju pojedinačnih hranjivih tvari. Kod analiziranih hranjivih tvari u 100 % suhoj tvari utvrđene su sljedeće razlike u rasponu od: dušične tvari 303,20 – 451,65 g/kg, masti 50,00 – 135,55 g/kg, vlaknina 101,2 – 173,70 g/kg, tvari bez sadržaja dušika esencijalne 268,50 – 489,00 g/kg, organska masa, 837,28 – 966,80 g/kg, pepeo 33,20 – 52,20 g/kg, kalcij 2,29 – 4,74 g/kg, fosfor 4,36 – 8,15 g/kg i magnezij 1,10 – 3,...
Breeding of wheat and barley has a significant contribution to the achievement of high yields, bette...
The results of determination of non- enzymatic antioxidant capacity tomato variety “volovsko srce” a...
The aim of the study was to analyze the influence of interrow spacing (25, 50 and 70 cm) on seed yie...
Cilj ovog rada bila je usporedba hranjive vrijednosti 16 najznačajnijih sorti sjemena roda LUPINUS, ...
Cilj je ovog rada istražiti učinak zamjene životinjskih bjelančevina (mesnokoštano brašno) biljnim b...
U radu se na temelju vlastitih istraživanja procjenjuje hranidbena vrijednost jedanaest sorti graška...
Cilj provedenog istraţivanja bio je ispitati, prema DUS vodiču za pšenicu, osam svojstava biljke i k...
Investigation was managed on experimental field in Institute of field and vegetable crops, at Rimski...
Istražena je hranidbena vrijednost u Europi najviše korištenih biljnih ulja 5 vrsta uljarica: uljane...
The study in organic farming system was conducted at the field of the Institute of Field and Vegetab...
Pea (Pisum sativum L.) originated from the Middle East. The oldest data of its presence on the terri...
Morphological properties of fruit bearing shoots: length, number of flower buds and vegetative buds ...
Na temelju analize mišićne mase prsa i bataka šest vrsta pernate divljači (divlji puran / Meleagris ...
NS-Kaća, a new, very early soybean cultivar, has been created at the Institute of Field and Vegetabl...
U radu je istražen sastav masnih kiselina u mesu biserke (Numida meleagris), običnog fazana (Phasian...
Breeding of wheat and barley has a significant contribution to the achievement of high yields, bette...
The results of determination of non- enzymatic antioxidant capacity tomato variety “volovsko srce” a...
The aim of the study was to analyze the influence of interrow spacing (25, 50 and 70 cm) on seed yie...
Cilj ovog rada bila je usporedba hranjive vrijednosti 16 najznačajnijih sorti sjemena roda LUPINUS, ...
Cilj je ovog rada istražiti učinak zamjene životinjskih bjelančevina (mesnokoštano brašno) biljnim b...
U radu se na temelju vlastitih istraživanja procjenjuje hranidbena vrijednost jedanaest sorti graška...
Cilj provedenog istraţivanja bio je ispitati, prema DUS vodiču za pšenicu, osam svojstava biljke i k...
Investigation was managed on experimental field in Institute of field and vegetable crops, at Rimski...
Istražena je hranidbena vrijednost u Europi najviše korištenih biljnih ulja 5 vrsta uljarica: uljane...
The study in organic farming system was conducted at the field of the Institute of Field and Vegetab...
Pea (Pisum sativum L.) originated from the Middle East. The oldest data of its presence on the terri...
Morphological properties of fruit bearing shoots: length, number of flower buds and vegetative buds ...
Na temelju analize mišićne mase prsa i bataka šest vrsta pernate divljači (divlji puran / Meleagris ...
NS-Kaća, a new, very early soybean cultivar, has been created at the Institute of Field and Vegetabl...
U radu je istražen sastav masnih kiselina u mesu biserke (Numida meleagris), običnog fazana (Phasian...
Breeding of wheat and barley has a significant contribution to the achievement of high yields, bette...
The results of determination of non- enzymatic antioxidant capacity tomato variety “volovsko srce” a...
The aim of the study was to analyze the influence of interrow spacing (25, 50 and 70 cm) on seed yie...